Worst movie, ever.

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
MST3K lampooned (the show is no more) whatever they could get their hands on -- anything available cheaply or things that are in the public domain. That meant a *lot* of old B&W movies... but lots of crummy 70s/80s made-for-tv-ish color movies too.

Really?... they did color movies?. Wow. Guess that just goes to show the deprivations of a life lived w/o cable TV. ..

As to MST3K's demise, I'd heard they were cancelled a couple years back, but then I heard just recently from somewhere on the web (maybe even their own website?) that they were still on the air/resurrected for a brand-new run at it.

Pity. GREAT show. Don't think I've ever seen as consistently funny a show in my life. Had me ROTFLOL more times than I can recall.
Originally posted by Starkey
wow, preacher, how did you do that?

Do what - live without cable?...
Easy: I'm one cheap hombre. Always have been, always will be.

Besides that, there's just too much filth and sewage on cable (heck, it's gettin' bad enuff on regular TV...). When yer raisin' a kid, ya really gotta be careful like that, so we nixed the idea of cable TV. Fait accompli.
I think he meant the double post... which is remarkably hard to do with an enforced delay between posts.

Wait... how did you double post with a 7 minute delay?
Originally posted by TC
I think he meant the double post... which is remarkably hard to do with an enforced delay between posts.

Well, if there's a way, I'll find it...:D

Seriously, though, I only just now noticed that.

Sorry, my bad...'tweren't my intent to do so. Somehow it got mixed up whilst I went back and edited the post. That's happened to me once before, about a month ago here
Originally posted by TC
I think he meant the double post... which is remarkably hard to do with an enforced delay between posts.

Wait... how did you double post with a 7 minute delay?

I think he should get a prize for being the first person I've ever seen to triple post on the CZ.
Originally posted by Mav23
I think he should get a prize for being the first person I've ever seen to triple post on the CZ.

:: gets hit w/ flash of insight; administers famed "V8" maneuver to self...::

Wait - I think I figgered it out:

I made those posts from my PC at work, and that computer (believe me, it wasn't my choice) is running...Windows ME!!!...

THAT must be it!...
Originally posted by Mav23
What's wrong with ME? That's what I'm using.

:: hehehehehe...::

Asked & answered...


On a more serious note:

WinME is a textbook example of just how much the 800 lb. gorilla can get away with. Buggiest piece of OS dreck ever peddled by MS. Irate. Inept. Cranky. Lazy. Incompetent. Won't play well with others.

...and all that BESIDES the fact that it's basically just Win 98 TE (3rd edition),

...or more accurately, it's true identity is Win 95f.

::rant concluded::
My copy of ME must have been blessed by a magical unicorn or something, because I never had a problem with it. Or maybe I just know how to use a computar machiene.
Good God, I don't even have to think about it.

CHARIOTS OF THE GODS was the God awfulest worst most boring movie ever to darken a movie screen.

I went to see it with a friend, and he kept falling asleep, and I kept jabbing him in the ribs saying "Wake up! there might be a good part soon!" I felt I should have been paid to see that movie.
AFAIK, in *English slang* The Shit is a good thing.
and shit is a bad thing, so Frosty said that Titan A.E was good!
Hurrah for Wingnut teachings!
"Oh, is that so?" (From the Wide Mouth Frog Joke)

I'm not much on modern slang. Some of it makes absolutely no sense.
It seems so, every time that i said that anything is *the shit* everyone says that i say that is a good thing, when i try to say that is a bad thing.
Originally posted by Ripper
"Oh, is that so?" (From the Wide Mouth Frog Joke)

I'm not much on modern slang. Some of it makes absolutely no sense.

Read: my previous post stating how much I despise that slang term.