Yeah, there's far too many of them. I'm waiting impatiently for the market to reach saturation point - because surely, no matter how much the graphics and AI improve between one WWII FPS and the next, sooner or later people are gonna get tired of having to play the same damn scenarios over and over again.Bandit LOAF said:And why the heck is every 'historic' FPS based on World War II or Vietnam? Somebody needs to make crazy improbable Civil War and Great War games.
Because all the kids can remember going to see saving private ryan and platoon. Theres a few mods for the original HL that use the concepts you just suggested. The Trenches is good when your playing f*cking huge 16-16 or 32-32 langames but most small net games just gets sucky. Theres a revolutionary mod too - Insurection 1776 or some such. Havent played it but looks awesome.And why the heck is every 'historic' FPS based on World War II or Vietnam? Somebody needs to make crazy improbable Civil War and Great War games.
Bandit LOAF said:Actually, I find the fact that there's a whole genre of FPS' and flight non-sims that are Fantastic World War II Tales without consciously being based on old pulp magazine stories very unfortunate.
Was SWON not pulpy enough for you? I rather enjoyed it, because of its tounge-in-cheek send up of WWII.
Bandit LOAF said:And why the heck is every 'historic' FPS based on World War II or Vietnam? Somebody needs to make crazy improbable Civil War and Great War games.
Bandit LOAF said:No, because I got the constant feeling that SWON was taking itself seriously, and was simply so ridiculous that it seemed to the player (viewer? reader?) like a pulp magazine.
I don't think a Civil War FPS would require the player to walk in formation at all. Consider that just about every FPS today tries to find an excuse to have multiple gameplay types - you know, the way Call of Duty kept coming up with crazier and crazier reasons to put you in a car, and finally just gave up on any kind of reason and transferred you from the infantry to... a tank batallion. Under these circumstances, I very much doubt that anybody would even consider making a Civil War FPS that doesn't involve horses, carriages, and top secret missions to steal a Confederate submarine from dock .Delance said:Crazy and improbable they can. A "historic" FPS will be much harder, due to the way both wars were fought. There's some room to free-form combat on WWII and Vietnam. A Great War FPS would be sitting on a trench all day being bombed at, running like crazy against a wall of machine-guns, being left wounded at the no-man's land. A Civil War FPS would require the player to walk in formation, what would be really, really hard to accomplish, unless it's some for of rail shooter.
Crazy and improbable they can. A "historic" FPS will be much harder, due to the way both wars were fought. There's some room to free-form combat on WWII and Vietnam. A Great War FPS would be sitting on a trench all day being bombed at, running like crazy against a wall of machine-guns, being left wounded at the no-man's land. A Civil War FPS would require the player to walk in formation, what would be really, really hard to accomplish, unless it's some for of rail shooter.
This is why I love Operation Flashpoint. They have some awsome mods. They have the War for Independence, Civil War, WWI (one of my favorites). I also like the fact that when you play the game you dont run at the enemy and take tons of shots from an MG-42 and you are okay.Bandit LOAF said:And why the heck is every 'historic' FPS based on World War II or Vietnam? Somebody needs to make crazy improbable Civil War and Great War games.
Bandit LOAF said:I have not, as of yet, played a World War II game that's realistic, though.
Bandit LOAF said:And why the heck is every 'historic' FPS based on World War II or Vietnam? Somebody needs to make crazy improbable Civil War and Great War games.
Death said:Speaking of WW2-based FPSes, am I just missing something (entirely possible), or do they all seem to focus on the European front? I mean, yeah, it's much easier to sell blowing up Nazis than such destruction done to any particular ethnic group (which may at least partly explain why the Arabs involved with the nuke plot in the book Sum of All Fears were changed to the Nazis of the movie version), but there was more to WW2 than just Europe.
You should try out Brother in Arms and it's sequel. They're probably the most realistic WWII FPSs ever made. You've got squads and overhead maps, the whole sha-bang. Heck, I didn't like it because it was so realistic.
There's an FPS called Iron Storm based on the concept that World War I lasted fifty years and you're part of a coalition to end it. I'm not sure that's what you mean by "crazy improbable", though.
Speaking of WW2-based FPSes, am I just missing something (entirely possible), or do they all seem to focus on the European front?
I agree with all the points you made about Starlancer in your post- more and better character interaction, etc., etc.. Starlancer on the Sega Dreamcast is the best space fighter combat game I've played as far as the responsiveness of the controls and the fluidity of the graphics during combat. The rumble and shaking of the ship as you hit afterburners made you feel like you were hauling. They did a good job with the capship battles too. You could get chewed up by the Kurgens and some of the other capship guns if you didn't watch it. Crashing into the capships at great enough speed would destroy you, which I thought was a bit more realistic and challenging. The Torp chasing was really tedius.Maj.Striker said:...Despite my misgivings about Starlancer...I'd still probably rate it as the best space sim after the Wing Commander titles...
Absolutely, that game rocked! That was the first flight game that I was ever hooked on. I spent complete days on that game and must have completed several complete campaigns (from 1914 (or was it 15?)-1918). That's a game that didn't have any character dialogue but that was still alot of fun and that I remember with fond feelings similar to the WC games. Being able to request transfers to different aerodromes once you have enough kills and a high enough rank. Flying missions with famous aces, randomly running into a brightly colored plane with a talented enemy pilot and finding out what ace it was. Getting challenged by famous aces to meet in certain locations- Immelman was honorable and met you there alone, but I remember accepting a different ace's challenge and having a TON of enemy fighters try to jump me. Getting medals, personalizing your plane when you become a top ace, etc. etc... GREAT game! If a flight sim could combine those aspects with the things that made Wing Commander great, that game could rule as a worthy successor to the WC series.Nomad Terror said:I really enjoyed Red Baron back in the day.