For starters the characters themselves make it non-canon. Maverick, Angel and the very least Maverick and Maniac aren't supposed to be there. Then you have fighter types that aren't put into service for a long time, and all that "spacecraft falling down from the hangar deck into space" crapola....
Ok, let me put it this way. Whenever a new WC product comes out, we can rip it to shreds, analysing everything that puts it in conflict with existing products. It's dead easy, even WC2 is not fully consistent with WC1.
Or we can accept the fact that each of these products is made by a different group of people, emphasises different things, uses a different style, and - since they all represent a fictional universe - has no obligation to be completely accurate.
You can decide which of these options looks more fun to you. Definitely no doubt in my mind. In the same way that I'm always willing to watch a Robin Hood movie or read a Robin Hood book, and I'm willing to enjoy each for what it is instead of criticising it for not rehashing the previous version, so I'm willing to enjoy a WC product without complaining about things not always matching.
Heck, we lose so much by rejecting any one product... you might not like the story of the Movie, but what about the Errant-class, that you saw in the Episode 2 intro? You should have hated that as well, but you only complain now that we directly acknowledged the Movie's story in Episode 5. And notice
why you complain - you don't complain because the Movie doesn't fit with the rest of the universe, but precisely because we showed how it
does fit. Fleet Action never mentioned the story of the WC Movie (gee, I wonder why
), and neither did the original game. And here we are, providing a clear, rational link between the three. Instead of rejecting the WC Movie, we've made use of it to explain why, in WC1, it was possible to conquer the entire Vega Sector in a few months, when every WC game afterwards saw the Confederation having trouble even holding on to existing territory. Instead of rejecting the WC Movie, we've made use of it for fantastic narrative effect, to create the best-written cutscene in the entire game.
...And what - you want us to give up all that, just because WC1 has
one line of text that implies Blair doesn't yet know Maniac? Because they fly Rapiers and Broadswords, when the former can be explained as a different type of fighter, and the latter was already seen on the Tiger's Claw in the Academy cartoon? ...And because they broke "realism" by having artificial gravity on a spacecraft, in a series that has always had
sound in vacuum?
Lighten up, man - we're never going to be fully consistent, but we're not here for that (or, if you are... boy, are you in the wrong place!). We're here to have fun
(also - if a future WC game were to actually adapt Fleet Action, completely obliterating Standoff... would you declare that we should forget Standoff ever existed?