Wing Commander Standoff: Episode Five Released (August 11, 2009)

Considering the amount of work being poured into this project by everyone involved for absolutely no charge to you whatsoever, I think that's a very disheartening and rude remark to make.
So much for the combined package being released 'later this week'.
I am sorry, but we worked hard all week just to make the patch yesterday. It's not like we've been sitting on our asses: I haven't got more than five hours of sleep for the past two weeks and my wife is mad at me for being on the PC all the time.

We're having crashes that are really difficult to pinpoint; remember, we're not recompiling the Vision engine, so we can't debug it easily.

We are not putting up a new full 410 Mb package up to get it updated a few days later... we're still hard at work to fix the rest of the bugs and make your next download worth it. Besides, there is no advantage for you to wait for the combined package; just get the Episode 4 and Episode 5 separate installers, and it'll do the same job as the combined package will. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I think unregistered meant "oh man with all of these errors, so much for getting that total package this week" and mostly bemoaning the general situation than complaining about you guys.

Well at least I think we can assume the memory leak error is centralized to HDR effects.
Well at least I think we can assume the memory leak error is centralized to HDR effects.
There were more than one source of crashes, and we did fix a bunch with yesterday's patch... but you're right, it seems that most of the remaining ones are in the OpenGL's shaders effects. We are investigating it, but trying to find a way to replicate the crash is a bit hard.
Yeah. Fixing bugs like this is a bit like treating snake bites - unless you can kill the snake and bring it into hospital for identification, you'll probably die :p.

(ok, so it's really nothing like treating snake bites - but you get the picture :) )
Considering the amount of work being poured into this project by everyone involved for absolutely no charge to you whatsoever, I think that's a very disheartening and rude remark to make.

You're right. Let's not be pessimistic. I'm sure it will come out today or something.

Still, give the guy a break. He wasn't blaming the group - they're doing all they can, and bugfixing is a random business sometimes.
No he just came off like a douchebag.

But to everyone else we are working hard and much like pete I haven't gotten more than 6 hours of sleep in the last two weeks. We are only a handful of guys not an entire company with unlimited time to crack the case in hours. We are devoting every moment of free time to getting the game perfect.
Heh, ironic, isn't it? I was like that for the last week before release, but with that out of the way, my work has been fairly limited, and I can actually sleep more or less normally now ;).

(though tomorrow, I need to get back into the thick of it - gotta fix some more of those small hard-to-see bugs in time for the next patch)
I'd Just like to say Congratulations on releasing the final episode of Standoff guys. Played through it last night it was great.
Awesome job with the Concordia vs Fralthra fight, I seriously had a flash back to WC2 when I watched them Hurl AMG Salvos at each other, followed by the Knockout punch by the Concordia's PTC.
The New Cockpits were also great.
What was with the info at the beginning about the Kilrathi's prior attack on Earth? I don't remember reading that in fleet action.
I haven't had a whole lot of bugs either...not to say none at all, but very few while *trying* to go through Ep. 5.

You say the graphics are MINOR fixes? Good lord, those're GORGEOUS! Makes me even more glad I updated my old Frankenstein to include my NVidia 9800 vid card!

I die half the time due to just admiring the graphics. :p
Yeah. If you hate the WC Movie and would like to pretend it never existed or something along those lines... I'm sorry, but as far as Standoff is concerned, the Movie is as much a part of the story as any of the games :).

(plus, I loved the idea of tying the all-too-easy conquest of the Vega Sector in WC1 with the events from the Movie - even though it doesn't necessarily make complete sense, given the losses Confed took at Pegasus)
The Movie certainly doesn't fit in perfectly with WC1, but there's nothing in there that can't be explained away. Naturally, it doesn't conflict with any of the other games - why would it, when none of them are set in 2654? :)
The Movie certainly doesn't fit in perfectly with WC1, but there's nothing in there that can't be explained away. Naturally, it doesn't conflict with any of the other games - why would it, when none of them are set in 2654? :)

Which leads me to my thought...

...ya know, sometimes I'm quite the Johnny Come Lately, so this might have already been pointed out long ago. That said, it hit me during the civvy ship fight that when the call of, "Popping the spam can" came over the comm, it made me think that, of all mankind's inventions to have survived over 700 or so years, SPAM still exists!

Maybe the cats should have ended us as a race after all! :p
Yeah, and Zero apparently listens to Queen, while Nokia provides the Confederation with outdated CRT monitors :). Hard to get away from the 20th century ;).
The Movie certainly doesn't fit in perfectly with WC1, but there's nothing in there that can't be explained away. Naturally, it doesn't conflict with any of the other games - why would it, when none of them are set in 2654? :)

For starters the characters themselves make it non-canon. Maverick, Angel and the very least Maverick and Maniac aren't supposed to be there. Then you have fighter types that aren't put into service for a long time, and all that "spacecraft falling down from the hangar deck into space" crapola....

Better just forget about it :)