I'm humbled. I'm a bit modest when it comes to accepting recognition so bear with me a bit (although I thought my part rather minor ). Since my name IS up there as an official play-tester, I guess I better start doing some more play-testing . IMHO your work and progress with getting this gem up and running is down-right epic, considering the sheer volume of data.
Hey, I think you earned it; I've greatly appreciated the help you've given me so far. I told folks from the get-go if they helped I'd stick their name in the credits; did that with Starflight and one guy wound up as co-editor...
So yeah, get to playtesting already. #where_is_my_bullwhip?
Thanks for the praise. Building an RPG is tricky work; if you can get the engine down the data usually falls into place pretty easy. In WCRPG's case I started with the engine I used for Starflight - the last two years involved making a few tweaks and adding a lot of data...
I find the most challenging about game-mastering these battles is calculating component damage (great at math but terrible at algebra). I'm used to old friends and foes alike different takes on dice warfare so keeping up isn't a stretch, however WCRPG is a new system for me so of course it takes some adaptation on my part. As soon as you've given the green light on finalizing chapter 9 I'll start putting together various scenarios using the Who's Who and vehicle chapters and see what kind of trouble I can stir up in the galaxy. Unless of course you have something specific in mind.
WCRPG is essentially a new system. I mean, I based it on a system I used for my last RPG but my usually playtester has never really been worth his salt (I use him though largely because he is usually willing to help out) so there are some aspects of it that haven't been thoroughly playtested, and there are also aspects that were tweaked from that first game.
I'm mainly proofreading to catch grammatical mistakes and typos; I've finished making the set of tweaks we from the combat demo test runs at this point, so feel free to go ahead and get started. I don't plan on making any other major changes unless something crops up that warrants it. If you have questions about how I've got something set up, lemme know and I'll do my best to help.
If you can add my CIC handle in-between the name that'd be my one tweak I'd ask for.
Alright, done.
On a personal note... YOU SPELLED MY NAME RIGHT!!!(Caps intended). You have no idea how many times I have to correct people, documents, paperwork, bills, etc...and they all misspell my last name. It's really not that hard, "Risko" read like Risk-o. Yes, even when I type it and email it to someone they seem to feel a need to correct my spelling? You wouldn't believe the incredible and even somewhat creative ways it has been both deliberately and mistakenly printed.
Oh thank God; misspelling names is also one of my pet peeves - I've got folks at work who insist on spelling my first name with a "v" despite the fact it's clearly "ph" on my name plate. You know on my desk right in front of them, or in e-mails (where my name is also clearly spelled out).
I stopped at chapter five, pending your warnings about proofreading, then I'll continue when you're close to just the last chapters. Happy macroing!
Okay. I'll try to get through Chapter Five next. I finished up initial proofreading on the Who's Who about an hour ago...