Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

Next Gen Turrets for a Next Gen war!

Why settle for last generation's point defense systems when the future is affordable today? Introducing Defiance Industries' new line of defensive turret systems, for both military and civilian use*!

Tired of those old box-style heat-seeker missile launchers? Why not upgrade to a new VIPER Mk5 multi-ordnance delivery system? The targeting and tracking software comes with profiles for both Image Recognition or Friend-or-Foe missile profiles standard - and for you traditionalists, we kept our award winning fast-lock (tm) Heat-Seeker software. Capable of tracking and engaging up to four targets simultaneously, the VIPER 5 stores 12 warheads in a ready-fire state, with an additional 2 reloads per tube stored in the internal magazine. (For those with military clearance, the VIPER 5B is capable of fast vertical reload). For any captain looking to extend their defensive engagement sphere, the VIPER series is a welcome addition to anyone looking to add some additional punch to their arsenal.

VPR-5A-IMRECtur.jpg VPR-5A-IMRECtur2.jpg VPR-5A-IMRECtur3.jpg

But that's not all! Are you still carrying those sad out-of-date point defense laser turrets? You know the kind I mean, those old clunky durasteel boxes with a tiny laser sticking out of it? Slow to track, slow to fire? If you're still mounting those, brother do you have performance issues. Never fear friends, Defiance Industries has you covered! Introducing the CRB-1 "Crab" Point Defense system. The Crab uses a unique modular design allowing it to mount multiple types of energy-based direct fire weapons in a single chassis. Most commonly available with the standard laser, the Crab's internal capacitors and waste heat management allow it to mount particle and even tachyon-based emitters. For those looking for something a bit more retro, the CRB-1C variant is can also support projectile-based defenses such as 30mm ballistic projectiles (known to you Borderworlders as a Stormfire) as well as mass and charging mass driver coils.

CRB1-Sltur1.jpg CRB1-Sltur2.jpg CRB1-Sltur3.jpg

Why wait? Order yours today! Operators are standing by.

Not seeing what you're looking for? Stay tuned for our next issue where we cover our new line of medium and heavy offensive and dual-purpose turrets.

*Military grade systems will only be sold to individuals possessing the proper Confed security clearances governing the purchase and sale of energy and kinetic weaponry pursuant to section 48-1729 of the Confederation Procurement Act. Failure to produce these credentials at time of sale will result in your sale being voided. The presentation of fraudulent credentials is punishable by prison sentences of up to 25 years and applicable fines.
First I want to say: The work you all are doing is amazing!
Wing Commander Prophecy was my first big PC-Game back in the days (maybe 20 years ago?) And for me this projekt is a remaster of my youth-memory. And that makes me really happy to play WCP again and its looks now like in my memory :D
I'm also really exited about the Alien Cap-Ships and the marvelous Midway Model-Updates! And yes the other stuff you've planned (FX, sound, cockpits etc.)
One litte tiny thing disturbs me: The bad black bars on the side! I've seen widescreen support (even when its is streteched) in the GOG-Version and in Standoff. I also searched the .cfg files to enabel stretching but I found nothing. Maybe it is possible to implement a option in the Config Menu to enable stretch like in standoff or gife me a littel hint so that I can .cfg it by myself. By the way when it isnt possible its not a pitty.
I say THX to ya all! And never give up the Project until it is finnished! :)
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One litte tiny thing disturbs me: The bad black bars on the side! I've seen widescreen support (even when its is streteched) in the GOG-Version and in Standoff.
I'm the guy who worked on hacking widescreen support into Standoff; I had to hack the EXE and make duplicate copies of art and definition files (ex.: cockpit files) for both 4:3 and widescreen. It was kinda feasible because we were working with new art and definition files, I could manage to have copies done for the new format as needed.

WCP is a game that was designed for 4:3 display, and it's not possible to have the game run in widescreen unless we do the same kind of hacks to the EXE and re-do a huge bunch of art and definitions files for both 4:3 and widescreen formats. It's really a big, big job. Maybe sometime in the future ;)
Yes the alien ships could look so good. All in good time.

I wouldn't say the black bars are bad. I would much rather things have the correct aspect ratio and not be zoomed in to fill the void. What annoys me on TV is when it's not black bars, but blurred copies of the video. How distracting.

Look at the remasters of star trek tos, next gen and bab 5. Next gen looks fantastic and the black bars are unintrusive. Star trek tos and bab 5 look like the cameramen didn't know about the zoom out button. Not that they're bad...

That being said, something could potentially be done in the renderer or my unlimited patch to provide a wide screen resolution in 3D spaceflight while keeping existing images in 4:3. Thinking cap on...
Thanks for your replies. For me its no Problem when the spaceflight is stretched. In that GOG-Version you can enable that and I think it looks not so bad. In Spaceflight only the in game Comvids looks al little bit strange. For me the black bars break the immersion when the Cutscenes are in widescreen. But as I said is not a big thing the game looks with the MUP better than ever.
Hey Defiance, know I've been silent for a while. Had kind of a crazy couple weeks. Anyway, Went to play around with your MUP for prophecy and I noticed something about the Piranha. It looks like you switched the locations for one of the ion cannons and the storm Fire cannon. The Storm fire now fires out of the wing while the Ion canon fires from under the nose.

Hey Defiance, know I've been silent for a while. Had kind of a crazy couple weeks. Anyway, Went to play around with your MUP for prophecy and I noticed something about the Piranha. It looks like you switched the locations for one of the ion cannons and the storm Fire cannon. The Storm fire now fires out of the wing while the Ion canon fires from under the nose.

Hey welcome back! :) I thought I'd corrected that in the last release, I'll go check my ship files and if it's still an issue I'll correct it in the next build.
Hey welcome back! :) I thought I'd corrected that in the last release, I'll go check my ship files and if it's still an issue I'll correct it in the next build.

Okie dokie dukie. I starting to work on my WCP videos again and wanted to see how my capture software worked with the MUP (works fine by the way). Did you do an upgrade for the standard Midway as well as the plasma-cannon version? Also the landing bay is still... um.... unimpressive.
all in due course. The next work in queue is the midway, I guess I can bump the callisto in favor of new bay models
Funny you mention Callisto; every summer (so like right now) I get back into modding SO. Been playing with mat, meshes, ship files and found a few interesting tidbits. There's in total 4 space station like Confed/human capships in the vision engine; the Comm Relay station (crelay), Callisto base (cstarbas, I think), from WCP , then the Confed outposts, Talos Luyten(?) and Krieger(?), followed by Ella Superbase.

Now, I'm on my phone not my computer so I can't give file names and facts with confidence but I know either the outpost' s or Ella's actual ship file is named *drum roll* callisto.iff!

Not only that but the VDU image for Ella was once Callisto's I think, and the Outposts have their own unique VDU image but it's never used it just uses the comm relay one. I say this because when I re-added the Callisto base to SO it had the Ella icon. And the outpost one I found in the game files. Also the spinning ring on the outpost has a destroyed mesh+texture but it's not a targetable or destroyable component.

Found some other gems in the code. Some stuff Quatro stumbled on whilst making that model viewer but other things too. A low poly Comm Relay station, even more low poly than the further LOD model, two different temp Midway models, one further along than the other, a temp aceship (Devil Ray) which is really just a textureless Manta, that planet and moon model that was super low poly, and the planet terrain for ground missions.

Since we're on the subject of the Midway being next on your hitlist I might dig up that temp Midway model and take screenshots. It's actually got more details than the final model in some areas that you might want to incorporate. The Midway is hands down my favorite capital ship design (both in premise and how it looks) so I'm super looking forward to your recreation.
Funny you mention Callisto; every summer (so like right now) I get back into modding SO. Been playing with mat, meshes, ship files and found a few interesting tidbits. There's in total 4 space station like Confed/human capships in the vision engine; the Comm Relay station (crelay), Callisto base (cstarbas, I think), from WCP , then the Confed outposts, Talos Luyten(?) and Krieger(?), followed by Ella Superbase.

Now, I'm on my phone not my computer so I can't give file names and facts with confidence but I know either the outpost' s or Ella's actual ship file is named *drum roll* callisto.iff!

Not only that but the VDU image for Ella was once Callisto's I think, and the Outposts have their own unique VDU image but it's never used it just uses the comm relay one. I say this because when I re-added the Callisto base to SO it had the Ella icon. And the outpost one I found in the game files. Also the spinning ring on the outpost has a destroyed mesh+texture but it's not a targetable or destroyable component.

Found some other gems in the code. Some stuff Quatro stumbled on whilst making that model viewer but other things too. A low poly Comm Relay station, even more low poly than the further LOD model, two different temp Midway models, one further along than the other, a temp aceship (Devil Ray) which is really just a textureless Manta, that planet and moon model that was super low poly, and the planet terrain for ground missions.

Since we're on the subject of the Midway being next on your hitlist I might dig up that temp Midway model and take screenshots. It's actually got more details than the final model in some areas that you might want to incorporate. The Midway is hands down my favorite capital ship design (both in premise and how it looks) so I'm super looking forward to your recreation.

I believe you're thinking of the Nautilus, which is the Midway clone.

Also the Cerberus has a twin in the game, the Mercury. In fact it gets used on a few missions in Ella (Ella 1, 2). the ship file is an exact copy of the Cerberus, so it was probably a mission that they didn't want to recode or something. I found that one out the hard way with a few game crashes during playtesting today. Easy enough to fix, but still kind of interesting.
All we need is a Plunkett, a Midway and a starbase and the ops intro is complete no? Can't wait!

Yessir. I have a very nice Plunkett courtesy of Dark Sentinel ready for texturing, and the Midway is the final modeling stages - adding some greebles and all the hull framing between the armored shells. Then all we need is a commfac and the intro is complete.