Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

I believe you're thinking of the Nautilus, which is the Midway clone.

Also the Cerberus has a twin in the game, the Mercury. In fact it gets used on a few missions in Ella (Ella 1, 2). the ship file is an exact copy of the Cerberus, so it was probably a mission that they didn't want to recode or something. I found that one out the hard way with a few game crashes during playtesting today. Easy enough to fix, but still kind of interesting.
Nautilus was the research vessel from WCP's opening cutscene. Unfinished. Would love to see you do that one too as a sort of extra thing after everything is said and done.

Anyway here is the model.
shot0002.PNG shot0000.PNG shot0001.PNG shot0004.PNG shot0003.PNG
Nautilus was the research vessel from WCP's opening cutscene. Unfinished. Would love to see you do that one too as a sort of extra thing after everything is said and done.

Anyway here is the model.
View attachment 9212 View attachment 9213 View attachment 9214 View attachment 9215 View attachment 9216

Cool thanks. Do you happen to have the number of the MAT for the hull bracing by any chance?

LOL the intakes are very Star Trek. Look a lot like the Voyager's main deflector.
Cool thanks. Do you happen to have the number of the MAT for the hull bracing by any chance?

LOL the intakes are very Star Trek. Look a lot like the Voyager's main deflector.
I think I made the intake thing misleading. I had layered the final Midway model over the temp one to see the differences. The temp one actually matches some promo material.

As for the MAT I can't really tell from the model. Not very good at mesh files. It's tep-md-b and it's in the data.tre for both games I don't know how to post it or attach it haha.
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I've been thinking: Would it make sense to remake any of the HUD elemets (especially the ship icons, which look quite... aliased) in higher resolutions (preferably as vector graphics to source bitmap versions from) in the context of the MUP?
Also, do you think it may be a good idea to rebuild the Cerberus' control room in any 3D program to re-render it in HD (4:3 or 16:9) and perhabs add a proper simulator pod along the way, if the vision engine actually supports that and someone actually wishes to do that?
Added a few extra shots from the Ella missions where you get fun and frolic with the Tereshkova and her Murphy escorts. I call this series: "Why we need a new Plunkett"
Hehehe. Funnily enough, when you showed the Murphy, I found myself thinking, "well, that's cool, but... those WCP capships are so boring and angular, it hardly seems like you can even see the improvement compared to the old version." Of course, I thought this without bothering to actually look at the old version. So now you show the new Murphy alongside the old Plunkett, and it's like... uh, yeah, there does seem to be this slight difference in visual quality between the old and the new. Just a tiny, teensy weensy difference ;).
If I could have one wish it would be to go back in time and ask the Vision engine developers to extend PART chunks to support destroyed meshes (Ok that's probably not the FIRST thing I'd use a wish on but still). It seems like an obvious oversight.
Nautilus was the research vessel from WCP's opening cutscene. Unfinished. Would love to see you do that one too as a sort of extra thing after everything is said and done.

Oh there is so much I would like to see done for use in my WCP video project. Damaged fighters, Shrikes and Tirger Sharks that had picked up a single escape pod, wrecked and destroyed capships... I know the game itself doesn't support operations to actually make use of these sorts of things, but from an editing stand point it would be a simple matter to use them. Like the mission where you see the Supply ships get destroyed. Would be fairly simple to run the mission as normal, with the changing meshes and such right until the ship is actually destroyed. Then re-run the mission with the models switched to the destroyed model. After that it's just a matter of editing.
Looks wonderful so far :)

Would be cool to see the Kilrathi Ships next.

A defintive WC Prophecy Experience pack in the end would be cool:

- All ships updated
- enhanced starfield patch
- DVD Version
- higher resultion patch etc.

You know what I mean, one pack which brings it all after the vanilla installation
A defintive WC Prophecy Experience pack in the end would be cool:

- All ships updated
- enhanced starfield patch
- DVD Version
- higher resultion patch etc.

You know what I mean, one pack which brings it all after the vanilla installation
Isn't that exactly what I've been doing all those years ? :p @DefianceIndustries even asked me to bundle his models into my packages exacly for that reason ! ;)