Rear Admiral
After hearing George Oldziey's new recordings, I'm wondering how much further the envelope could be pushed. Higher-res sound effects that stay true to the original plus adding George's orchestral recordings for the music, on top of the better models and improved starfield/skybox. Combine that with the DVD Prophecy Cutscenes for Prophecy we already have and we can see a serious complete remaster of Prophecy/SO someday.
As for the Pelican I see a Douglas on the blue boxes. Douglas Areospace, or Chris Douglas? The bright green one I'm having a hard time reading as well as the white one. But I do believe I see a "Defiance" on the orange one. Perhaps a reference to a "Defiance Industries"?
As for the Pelican I see a Douglas on the blue boxes. Douglas Areospace, or Chris Douglas? The bright green one I'm having a hard time reading as well as the white one. But I do believe I see a "Defiance" on the orange one. Perhaps a reference to a "Defiance Industries"?