Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

After hearing George Oldziey's new recordings, I'm wondering how much further the envelope could be pushed. Higher-res sound effects that stay true to the original plus adding George's orchestral recordings for the music, on top of the better models and improved starfield/skybox. Combine that with the DVD Prophecy Cutscenes for Prophecy we already have and we can see a serious complete remaster of Prophecy/SO someday.

As for the Pelican I see a Douglas on the blue boxes. Douglas Areospace, or Chris Douglas? The bright green one I'm having a hard time reading as well as the white one. But I do believe I see a "Defiance" on the orange one. Perhaps a reference to a "Defiance Industries"? ;)
I certainly wouldn't use Mr. Oldziey's music without permission. I'd love to use it though. I could try and remix the effects at some point.

once its in game you should be able to catch them all. And yes, the orange one is a Defiance industries container. Shameless self aggrandizement, i know.
Not bad, I guess.... :p

(I mean, seriously, haven't you had enough superlative compliments yet? :) )

I must say, I always seem to find cleanliness on spaceships to just somehow look wrong, but in this case, obviously I wouldn't change that for the world. The ship is straight out of the shipyard, so of course it will look brand new, even if that somehow feels unnatural.
Not bad, I guess.... :p

(I mean, seriously, haven't you had enough superlative compliments yet? :) )

I must say, I always seem to find cleanliness on spaceships to just somehow look wrong, but in this case, obviously I wouldn't change that for the world. The ship is straight out of the shipyard, so of course it will look brand new, even if that somehow feels unnatural.

There are some nicks in the paint here and there on her. It'll be a bit more obvious when it's full size. But there aren't a lot of exterior features on the Cerberus for carbon to gather around. But if I did a "late war" skin, I'd muddy her up a bit more as well.
Humm.. something I just noticed though: if you look at the model in the intro screenshots, some of the model bump effects seems to have been lost in the conversion... if you look at the engine pods, for example, it now looks like big crayon lines ? Was that intentional to fit the original fuzzier models or a conversion problem ?
Humm.. something I just noticed though: if you look at the model in the intro screenshots, some of the model bump effects seems to have been lost in the conversion... if you look at the engine pods, for example, it now looks like big crayon lines ? Was that intentional to fit the original fuzzier models or a conversion problem ?
It's actually the spec map. It's way too shiny. I'm correcting it so the panels won't look so obvious.