When and How you heard or saw something about WC for the first time?

Indeed, don't worry what silly Captains say. Now if Death or Kris yell at you, then be afraid. VERY AFRAID!
By default the board displays threads that are no older than 14 days. If it doesn't show up in the thread listing, don't reply to it. Just start a new thread on the same topic.
Yes, that way you can get yelled at for bringing up that topic yet again, when it's been discussed million of times. Then of course someone comes along and complains there's no search option, so he couldn't possibly heve known,so somebody explains that there are not enough resources on the server for that.So somebody says get a new server, to which someone else in turn replies......yadiyadiya.

And where does that lead us?

Indeed: back to square 1
Originally posted by Ripper
I saw a poll for the first time, voted in it, and got yelled at.

I did not yell at you, child, I said ´please´. You have read 1% of the thousands of threads and polls available in this CZ and I don´t think that gives you the right of replying to the other 99%. When you come to a new place, YOU have to adjust to the community and NOT expect the community adjust to you.

Originally posted by KrisV
If it doesn't show up in the thread listing, don't reply to it. Just start a new thread on the same topic.

See? I didn´t yell at anyone, I was just trying to help.

Originally posted by Ghost
Don´t worry Starkey is highly volatile stuff.

Look who´s talking.

Originally posted by Dynaco
Indeed, don't worry what silly Captains say. Now if Death or Kris yell at you, then be afraid. VERY AFRAID!
Puxa-saco filho duma égua. Why should people listen to you? You come here once every three months, spread some useless bulls*** then go back to your limb. Just stay there.
A few months ago, TC explained that there´s two ways of getting an avatar here. Your post implies which one you chose. Ugly avatar, BTW.
That won´t change my sig, Ghost.;)

You know what? Let those plebes do what they want, it´s the admins job to decide what´s right or wrong here.

I´ll just keep my regular posting and my once-in-a-while crossfire with you.
Originally posted by Starkey
Puxa-saco filho duma égua. Why should people listen to you? You come here once every three months, spread some useless bulls*** then go back to your limb. Just stay there.

Practice what you preach.
I am withdrawing from this thread. Dynaco, Ghost and now Weasel is too much.

WildWeasel, Dynaco comes out of his tomb to call me silly and I am supposed to take it? My posts are mostly good and I do not come here only every three months.

As I said, this thread should have stayed dead.

Originally posted by Starkey
TC explained that there´s two ways of getting an avatar here. Your post implies which one you chose. Ugly avatar, BTW.

Um... I don't think you have it quite right. Dyn is of the magical third method of which there are one or two... Being either a friend of the Admins and/or contributing a large amount to the community.
I was in third grade and an eigth grade friend of mine on the bus was telling me about the Kilrathi Saga and in WC III it featured Mark Hamill. And he was telling me how friggin awesome it was. So he let me borrow it and after the first mission I was completely in love with it. The cutscenes at the time were phenomenal and made wet my pants. The night I first played it i forgot all about my homework. That Friday I picked up a Sidewinder Precision Pro Joystick and was in full gaming bliss with my at the time sweet computer with 200mhz and 32mbr and 4gb hd. After I finished the KC saga my friend let me borrow WC4 and I loved that even more. Then he let me borrow Prophecy. An it just got better and better. Now on my Windows XP system i still play the WC games and i am still in love with them. They are truly the greatest games and stories of all time. Chris Roberts is genius.
Great Memories! I was in the eighth grade. My friend Charles Smart told me about this incredible game that he had bought for his home computer. I had him copy it, and took it home. I still can remember the goosebumps I felt when that first Hornet blew up the Dralithi. WOW what a game! It was more than just a game it was a lifestyle. The people talked to you, the Kilrathi insulted you, it was just totally immersive. Needless to say I was hooked. I bought both Secret Missions packs.
Then I snapped up WC2 when it came out. All my old friends from WC were back. The day they came out with the speechpack I bought it. Now the Kilrathi were "talking" to me. And I still remember my high school graduation party, showing all my friends and relatives the FMV intro to WC3.
I bought WC4 while I was in College but made myself not play it, (extremely difficult I can tell you) until finals were over. Over the years I've picked up every WC game ever made, Privateer, Armada, etc. But even the GBA release does not compare to those first thrilling moments when Spirit asked me for my command as Wing Commander. I miss those days... :(
I walked into a computer game store. I saw a WC product for the first time in my life. I bought it. Oh yeahh :D

One of the best snap decisions of my life :cool:
I was learning how to read in Prep (for those non aussie.. the grade before grade 1)
when my father brought home a pile of games for computer.. one was wing commander... it was destiny.. i never got a 386 or 486 and instead went straight from my humble 286 to a Pentium 120.. so I never got to see wc2 or 3... not until i found KS in stores... and thats when I relived the game hehe
I rented SM1 for the SNES from Shop Rite. It had the best looking box (and it was probably the only sci-fi game) out of the dozen some games they had. I've been hooked ever since.
I just can't stop playing it. There isn't any way to stop... I gotta get a girl to play with me... Then my life will be complete. :D