When and How you heard or saw something about WC for the first time?

They obviously had to do a lot of work, but it looks like they got lazy when it came to Wing Commander II and just decided not to do as good of a job. (However, this could, like Wulf said, also be explained as the result of time and credit budgeting.)
I'd lean towards time and monetary constraints rather than laziness as the reason for WC2's alleged less than satisfactory conversion. I'm sure there are some people who are happy enough with WC2KS.
First encounter with WC was when WC1 came. I read it from Finnish gaming magazine and decided get that game. Naturally i copied WC1 from frend, but never got it working. Second encounter with WC1 was years later...
Originally posted by Ghost
No one remember this 2 cool games: F-19 and F-15 II Flight Simulator ? :(

At least F-19, yay that was really cool! BUt that damn copy protection forcing you always to insert the original disk to play the game. ;)

Thanks for the Monkey Island reviews, guys.
Copy protection?
The only thing that i remember is the shapes of the planes, and they were too easy to know
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt

BUt that damn copy protection forcing you always to insert the original disk to play the game. ;)

not always... :D

They are both really cool games, I liked F19 better though, and its sequel F-117. Microprose was really good at war flight sims.
Hello, everybody! ATF!? Advanced Tactical Fighter? Back when the F-22 was the YF-22 "Lightning?"

That game was so awesome!
Originally posted by Col.Dom
Hello, everybody! ATF!? Advanced Tactical Fighter? Back when the F-22 was the YF-22 "Lightning?"

That game was so awesome!

I used to hae that game it was pretty darn good till i had to get rid of it because my parents were like (GET OFF THE COMPUTER VAL)
Originally posted by Valor NR

I used to hae that game it was pretty darn good till i had to get rid of it because my parents were like (GET OFF THE COMPUTER VAL)

HAHA! All I would do is fly a pattern around the airstrip. I would keep myself mesmerized doing touch-and-gos all day.

Every once so often I'd deviate from the pattern and buzz the tower and, when I was feelin' frisky, the tops of the hangars :cool:
When I was in high school, I had purchased Wing Commander 1 to practice some flight and fight training that I thought would be good to have should I get drafted to serve as a pilot. I thought the game was cool and I wished it had available equipment that would've enabled me to have implemented my tactics. I had yearned for some inflatable reusable decoy fighters that would distract the enemy Kilrathi fighter pilots from me.
Originally posted by Chip
When I was in high school, I had purchased Wing Commander 1 to practice some flight and fight training that I thought would be good to have should I get drafted to serve as a pilot.

Damn, dude! Talk about someone always being prepared! I mean, the only chance the military (the US one, at least) would draft pilots would be in the case of a massive World War involving air wars fought by countries that actually have fighter jets (Middle Eastern attack kites and "runway queens," don't count ;p )!

If you really want to brush up on aerial combat, I suggest Jane's US Navy Fighters and the supplements (Air Force Fighters, Marine Corps Fighters). There's newer, better stuff out there, though. I'm just a Jane's Defense fanboy :D

Also, see about getting a Private Pilot's License. Yeah, it's mad money but it's worth it. See if your local airfield has a special deal (most of the time the best deal is to join the 'club and pay monthly dues for discounts on things like training, hangar space/moorings and fuel).
