What happened to Origin

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The fact that only about 2 of them appeared and they hadn't been as good as old ones might have something to do with it of course...
All the more reason for a good WC game to emerge. Without the FMV, if you ask me.

OOH! Idea! It'd take time, and some people are bound to hate it, but, how about a first person "plot" environment inside the ship. . . that is, "you" walk around, meeting up with other pilots, officers, crew, and actually get to know your way around the ship. You might take some time to go inspect your fighter, or go grab a drink with a few buddies. You might just wander around the ship, familiarizing yourself with it.

The only drawback to that would be that it would be too tempting to have your ship suddenly invaded by enemies and it turn into a Halo-type situation. The FPI (first person interface) would be strictly for plot progression and game navigation.
overmortal said:
All the more reason for a good WC game to emerge. Without the FMV, if you ask me.

OOH! Idea! It'd take time, and some people are bound to hate it, but, how about a first person "plot" environment inside the ship. . . that is, "you" walk around, meeting up with other pilots, officers, crew, and actually get to know your way around the ship. You might take some time to go inspect your fighter, or go grab a drink with a few buddies. You might just wander around the ship, familiarizing yourself with it.

The only drawback to that would be that it would be too tempting to have your ship suddenly invaded by enemies and it turn into a Halo-type situation. The FPI (first person interface) would be strictly for plot progression and game navigation.

Actually, i had an idea along those lines as well. Maybe if i ever get into the games industry, i'll try making something like that...

Also, its seems ultima X is going to be online indeed, said so at gamespot...http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/ultimaxodyssey/news_6073743.html

*sighs* i hope single-player games dont die out altogether...
overmortal said:
All the more reason for a good WC game to emerge. Without the FMV, if you ask me.

OOH! Idea! It'd take time, and some people are bound to hate it, but, how about a first person "plot" environment inside the ship. . . that is, "you" walk around, meeting up with other pilots, officers, crew, and actually get to know your way around the ship. You might take some time to go inspect your fighter, or go grab a drink with a few buddies. You might just wander around the ship, familiarizing yourself with it.

The only drawback to that would be that it would be too tempting to have your ship suddenly invaded by enemies and it turn into a Halo-type situation. The FPI (first person interface) would be strictly for plot progression and game navigation.

Sounds like a great idea to put into a new space sim. And it certainly couldn't be called a "WC-ripoff".
Well, a few years back, I thought about a sequel to Privateer that was along the same lines, except that the FPI would also function as an FPS in which you might stalk your bounty into a bar and cap him, then run from insys. I decided it was kinda corny, though, and would lend itself too much to a starwars rip-off. Though, I still think it would be neat to get to walk around inside a confed carrier and see the parts of the ship that you don't normally see in the game. How often do you see the engine? The rows upon rows of fighters "below" deck? The head, for that matter? Aside from WC4, how often do you see where they eat? Hate it if you want, LeHah, but I still think it's a neat idea, and would be much better than paying a ton of actors to portray characters in FMV.
I'm liking that idea. That was one of things I liked about Elite Force. That's a FPS anyway but for me it added more to the game to actually be able to walk around a very limited portion of Voyager and interact with people. Helps create more of an atmosphere for the game.
@Ultima X:
Wow. It's online only, seems like an action game, and the character models are pretty bad

I don't like this cheap comic look. It's like a displeased mixture of styles from Warcraft (like the two-headed Ogre/that design is ok, but not comparable with Ultima) and Disney ( :mad: ).
That's is in my eyes not a real Ultima and neither an Ultima Online sequel, only an affront.
That happens without a Richard Garriott (the father of Ultima) and other authors of the Series.

Apropos Ultima: Ultima ("true" Ultima (soloplay)) has its own multiverse and related with the philosophy of the D&D planescapes.

WC has in some design ideas great potential, too.

But now, all this formerly good series are perished by "bad" (official) designs (example: the WC-Movie Götterdämmerung).

What will the common generation thinks about the newest version of this Games? They will think that they were ever grap, like the actual vesion they have seen.

In my eyes Origin is dead or better said, undead, without a good designer spirit, in contrast with earlier times ;-)

There apparently doesn't helps out a Andy Hollins (ehrm, isn't he a flight sim designer? /rhethorical question).
Who are you people.

Anyhow, as we predicted back at the beginning of this thread, Ultima X is an 'mini' MMPRPG, the likes of which Richard Garriot had been talking about for 'X' (or whatever he's calling it now). You meet everybody in town and then you have the option of going off by yourself/with a little group onto a private adventure. It does seem like they've thrown some crazy Ultima story stuff in, with people competing to be the Avatar and what-not.

As for Andy Hollis -- he'll be the first to tell you that he's not a "flight sim designer". At the very least, he claims it's simply a role he's been pigeonholed into because his first game (Gunship) was such a success. He's done the occasional other game (Pirates!, for instance), but has certainly been typecast as the flight sim guy.
That's is very well-known and therefore I'm waiting for 'Tabula Rasa'. I didn't want to attack here nobody personally. I was only very disappointed about the design/style of "Ultima" X , nothing more.

That's an example for my emotional weakness.
If I have a great financial budged, I will make it definitely better. ;-)
and hopefully a better english skill
Oh, I'm sorry -- wasn't trying to say you were attacking anyone or anything... it's just a normal discussion (G)
I misunderstood it directly. The feeling for the language mentality of Englishmen & Americans is missing to me momentarily. I was of course in these countries, but I had everything "forgotten" again.

My following "problem": I cannot differentiate cynical remarks and Sarcasm in respect to English with true expressions. ;-)

If the antique Romans didn't land in Britain, we would speak an identical language... (strange, but germanic) mhh ... But I think it's better so. We would be ever barbarians without roman cultural influence. ;-)
I'm sorry but as cool as the wing commander games are, Ultima 7 and serpent isle are the coolest games ever. Those two games are cool enough to overshadow the crap that was ultima nine nine times over.
LOAF, I have an idea. It's a longshot but it might work. Approximately how many people do we have in this forum and how many would you say are active members? I know that may be asking alot but work with me.
I say we all send proper letters to Chris Roberts pleading with him to make another WC game and then burn down Digital Anvil if he doesn't agree.
DarkRaven685 said:
LOAF, I have an idea. It's a longshot but it might work. Approximately how many people do we have in this forum and how many would you say are active members? I know that may be asking alot but work with me.
There are probably about a hundred fairly active members. There are some 2,300 members in total, but I'd say only a good 500 of those have actively participated in discussions.

TC said:
Yeah! Threaten to burn down a company he doesn't own or work at anymore!

http://www.digitalanvil.com takes you straight to microsoft.com/games.