What happened to Origin

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TC said:
I'm a moderator, yet not CIC 'Staff'. If I were to email someone saying I were, Kris would probably rape me up the ass, or something.

I don't remember THAT in the rules and regs. ;)

Plus, if you write with pen and paper you're more likely to get free stuff from a company. That's always nice.
Think we should make a "Snail Mail EA" day or something. Where we all write a letter to EA and mail it the same day to at least make it look like we have large numbers.

No, wait, thats stupid. God, I'm stupid. I'll be quiet now.
Well, a "Snail Mail EA" day might be worth a desperate try... IMHO. Why not ? You could put a news entry on main page asking all fans to send a proper letter with detailed message over a given time frame... of... let's say a month or so.
hmm . . . a genuine mail campaign. I think we should go for it! We should all convince/bribe all of our friends into writing letters to Origin. THEN, we make sure they all hit within a few days of each other. THEN, we call Origin, day in and day out. Then, we realize we're so damn caught up in this that it's sad and we're losing sleep. THEN, we'll give up and leave Origin the hell alone . . . now that's a PLAN!
Maybe you should gather your friends and protest. I'm sure they will pay a *lot* of attention to your activism, enthusiasm, and your 1st Amendment right to an opinion. :rolleyes:
LeHah said:
Think we should make a "Snail Mail EA" day or something. Where we all write a letter to EA and mail it the same day to at least make it look like we have large numbers.

That idea is just crazy enough to work. I believe it has worked before, flooding them with a barage of I want Ultima X that is a single player game.
Yeah, I really wouldn't mind paying for some MMOG if it meant that there was some amount of a single player game (no extra cost). I realize it's supposed to be a multiplayer game, but all you ever get is that 1 free month, and if you don't like it then you basically end up with nothing. At least if there was a single player portion you could always just play that if servers are down or you don't like the online community. Sort of a consolation prize. But yeah, I'm all for writing a letter.
Needaham45 said:
This is a bit off topic but somewhat related - Has anyone heard anything of that Press Release thingy that LOAF was sending?

Firstly, Trelane and I decided that it was almost exactly the opposite of a Press Release, and hence is called a "Stretch Capture".

Secondly, I think LOAF got distracted. He tends to do that
Iceblade said:
That idea is just crazy enough to work. I believe it has worked before, flooding them with a barage of I want Ultima X that is a single player game.

OH DEAR GOD, people agree with me! We're screwed, all screwed! ::Suicide Noises::
overmortal said:
hmm . . . a genuine mail campaign. I think we should go for it! We should all convince/bribe all of our friends into writing letters to Origin. THEN, we make sure they all hit within a few days of each other. THEN, we call Origin, day in and day out. Then, we realize we're so damn caught up in this that it's sad and we're losing sleep. THEN, we'll give up and leave Origin the hell alone . . . now that's a PLAN!

I was with you until you got to "leave Origin the hell alone". :D
What's the trouble? We can't be proper, or we can't write?

LOAF - are you expecting some sort of response from the press release AKA 'Stretch Capture'? If you are, what is it? I can only speculate - I'm sure it's the same way with you, but your speculation would be more valued as you have more experiance with this sorta stuff than I do.
I don't know. I believe the response could run the gamut from no response at all to developing a new Wing Commander game. :)
Must be because of my bad memory, but I don't remember anything about that " press release AKA 'Stretch Capture' ". What is it anyway and when has it been sent ?
I have one idea.

"To all who are concerned,

Even though you are not in control of this, I want you to have a magic wand, and wave it around and sprinkle magical fairy dust so that space combat simulators are still one of the top-selling game genre in today's market and therefore you'll make lots of money when you sell your new Wing Commander game."

Sorry folks, but the sad and harsh reality is that the general audience is not interested in space combat sims anymore. Especially for PC. I've supervised a Babbages/Super Software/GameStop for more then two years (I've left New Years time this year because I made enough $ to pay for the rest of my school among other things, so I leave any of the most recent updates to Chris Reid), and I've seen all of those space sims that were phenomenal, but they have all . . . to be honest . . . sucked rocky mountain oysters in the game market. Freespace 2, Tachyon, Starlancer, (I dont' know how much Freelancer sold) all were flops on the market. We sold those as bargain bins. The reason is that everyone is going towards first person shooters, RTS such as Warcraft III and Command and Conquer: Generals, online games, and RPGs such as Everquest or the recent Star Wars Galaxies.
Iceblade said:
Any ideas on details that need to be in our letters besides WE WANT ULTIMA X?

"To all the haters out there: Eat a dick. Fo'shizzle."
I said details, not hate messages.

Pysch, it's obvious that space sims have gone downhill or another WC would of come out, but I don't believe 1st person fantasy games have ever been on the top of the market like space sims and strategy games.

So, does anybody have anything that they think needs to be added, that is not condemning Origin or anybody else-even EA?