Welcome to Sol Sector, Julianna! (February 15, 2017)

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Long Live the Confederation!

We have the happiest possible news to report today: congratulations to Chris and Lacey Reid on the birth of their daughter, Julianna Ella Reid! Julianna was born on February 9th, a brand new baby girl. Chris, Lacey and daughter are home and recuperating well. As Rollins would reply: "sitting pretty, sir!"

I have been honored to call Chris friend since we were teenagers posting on alt.games.wing-commander together. As dedicated Wing Commander fans and co-founders of this site, we've had many amazing adventures together... and now I am so excited to see him embarking on his greatest mission yet. Chris and Lacey are both highly intelligent, kind-hearted human beings who routinely bend the universe to support their gentle passions; they will make the best possible parents I can imagine.

Please join me in saluting Chris and Lacey and in welcoming the newest future Wing Commander fan to our ranks. I'm confident they'll have her checked out in Rapiers before she can walk... and, of course, that they know to keep her away from Flash-Paks!

Here are some pictures of the happy family:

Original update published on February 15, 2017
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Congratulations Chris.

But brace yourself -you're in the false sense of security period. In a few weeks gaming won't be possible (and when it is again give up on any hopes of online - no pause, no game). That carpet won't survive, that table has to go, and you're probably going to have to wallmount that TV right up at the ceiling.
But brace yourself -you're in the false sense of security period. In a few weeks gaming won't be possible (and when it is again give up on any hopes of online - no pause, no game). That carpet won't survive, that table has to go, and you're probably going to have to wallmount that TV right up at the ceiling.
Hehehe, so true. Children and neat, tidy lounges just don't get along - and children always win, because we love them more than the lounge ;).

Congratulations, Chris! It's a funny thing, whenever there's a news announcement about one of the CIC staffers getting married or having children, I still find myself a little bit surprised, as though we were all still teens or something. And meanwhile... well, I haven't been here since alt.games.wing-commander, I first encountered the CIC back in 1999 - yet, even so, it's been eighteen years. Wow!
Congratulations, Chris! Recommended lullaby: "Go to Sleep, You Pilots" (the lyrical version, of course...).
Great news! My most sincere congratulations to you, Chris, and your wife and a warm welcome to the newest citizen of the Terran Confederation! I'll echo every other parent in this thread: it can be taxing (though, maybe (!) with a girl a bit less) but it is oh so great. You'll have lots and lots of fun with her - and when she gave you one or two particularily hard days/nights be sure she'll be an angel for the following day. They're sly :-).

Again: so happy for you!
I don't know why but I've always had the wrong assumption that Chris had already a kid. :confused:
Since this is your first Chris! Congratulations and welcome to the W.N.D.C. (Wing Nuts Diapers Club).;)
Argh, how did I miss this?!

Congratulations Chris!

Wait a minute, W.N.D.C.? What are you if you already have teenagers? :confused:
...Wait a minute, W.N.D.C.? What are you if you already have teenagers? :confused:

It depends. If you have sons teenagers who just got driving license then you are a member of W.N.B.C. (Wing Nuts Billing Club). On the other hand if you have daughters who date teenager boyfriends then you are an W.N.P.C. (Wing Nuts Painkillers Club) member for sure.
Chris is a runner up for W.N.P.C. . Sorry, Chris but this is the cruel truth.