Welcome to Sol Sector, Julianna! (February 15, 2017)

It depends. If you have sons teenagers who just got driving license then you are a member of W.N.B.C. (Wing Nuts Billing Club). On the other hand if you have daughters who date teenager boyfriends then you are an W.N.P.C. (Wing Nuts Painkillers Club) member for sure.
Chris is a runner up for W.N.P.C. . Sorry, Chris but this is the cruel truth.
I guess that's a 2/2.

Junior son at driving age wanting to learn and freshman daughter already with a boyfriend.

God help us!
Thanks everyone! My hands have been pretty full the last few weeks, but things are going really well. Fortunately LOAF and Kris have kept up the daily business so it's been pleasantly seamless on the front page.

But brace yourself -you're in the false sense of security period. In a few weeks gaming won't be possible (and when it is again give up on any hopes of online - no pause, no game). That carpet won't survive, that table has to go, and you're probably going to have to wallmount that TV right up at the ceiling.

I got really lucky and XCOM 2 went on sale just as everything happened. I really wanted to play that last fall and didn't get a chance, and it happens that turn-based games are perfect for what I need right now. I have little nephews so I already had bumpers for the table, and my wife has gone around and earthquake-strapped every tippable object to the walls. We also set up a separate playroom to make a mess of when she gets a little bigger:
