Website Update - December 15th, 2008

I think all Logitech joysticks probably come with the logitech software for customizing the buttons.
Ok cool. I'm going to go ahead and order it this afternoon.

First new WC joystick in over a decade!
So if you have encountered anything odd while playing Standoff, please report it at the forum.

In Episode 2's fourth mission, if you head back to the Firekka after the first Nav Point, you will always lose a Gladius (no ships will blow up, but the game will substract one from the Gladius count). See Henderson's report right after the mission. Odd, huh? Not really a major bug, but I thought you might want to know.
That's a pretty obscure bug that I imagine is easy to slip by in the course of 'normal' game testing. I am sure the ship counts are very important, so that's something good to report.
Definitely, these are the types of bugs we are looking for. I'll make sure to add this to the list to squashed.
Speaking of ship counts, will the Firekka have to use her remaining Stilettos and Gladii in Episode 5? I would hate to get stuck in the Luyten path because I lost too many Gladii in Back Route to Sirius (I believe I only have 6 Gladii left right now).

And by the way, it definetely looks like the Ep.5 Luyten path is going to be easier if you enter from Backlash rather than Out the Back Door. Saving ships is much easier in the Ep.4 losing path than in the Ep.4 winning path, in my opinion.