wcnews April Fool page.

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Originally posted by Mav23
Oh, I beg to differ ;)
Contraire, Pierre: EVERYone, without exception, has faith in SOMEthing (or someONE). The only question is, faith in WHAT (or WHO)?...

Originally posted by I'm thinkin...
You're a bit off there Preacher. It was Genesis 2:17.
Yer right: Sorry, a typo... :eek:

Originally posted by Frosty Ehh, productive and helpful people would be productive and helpful even without religions shoving them along.
Yeah, and I could jog to work everyday; but it's a lot more fruitful and productive to drive the 7 mile uphill trip in my *car*, no?... (Get the picture?...)

Originally posted by Dynaco
wow the bible contains accurate history?
While not written to be a history text, any & all archaelogical finds thus far unearthed since Bible times have only served to *verify* the Bible's (both OT, or "Jewish bible", and NT) accounts of the events/people described therein. No "holy texts" of any other religion can say that. Definite food for thought to those who question the veracity of the Bible...

While I'm on the subject, consider this: The Bible is a compilation of 66 separate "books", written by some 44 different authors, living in various places/cultures in the ancient middle East, over a period of about 1600 years. There is *massive* potential for contradictions and conflicting information in a situation like that. And yet, there exists not ONE valid contradiction to be found in the whole thing!... (What few "apparent" contradictions exist are easily explained by cultural and linguistic differences among the authors, etc.). Yet more food for thought...

Originally posted by I'm thinkin...
And after reading the first nine books ( with more still to come) I gotta be honest, some of this stuff scares the piss outta me.
And well it *should*...

Originally posted by Col. Dom
I wasn't referring to Revelations, Mav. I think it was John or something. When Jesus was on the mountain with his disciples!
We need Preacher on this, as he no doubt has more knowledge on this than I. Where is he when ya' need him!?
I'm right here; but for the life of me, I can't figure out from reading the new posts WHAT it is yer talkin' 'bout...

To quote Ricky Ricardo: "S'plain it to me, Lucy!..."
Originally posted by Preacher
I can't figure out from reading the new posts WHAT it is yer talkin' 'bout...

To quote Ricky Ricardo: "S'plain it to me, Lucy!..."

On the mount of Olives. I found what I was talking about! Mark 13! The whole End of the Age thing, when Peter, John and Andrew ask him how people will know when the end times are upon us (Mark 13:3-13:4), going all the way through the whole chapter.

Gn 2:8-9
Yahweh God planted a garden in Eden, which is in the east, and there he put the man he had fashioned from the soil. Yahweh God caused to grow every kind of tree, enticing to look at and good to eat, with the tree of life in the middle of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
This thread is silly, off-topic, and discussing religion. Sorry guys.

6) Talking about other subjects, even other space combat games, that are not directly related to WC is not the best idea. Proceed with caution

10) Please be aware of the fact that the CIC is limited in bandwidth & server space, and try to be sensible with your posts. Which is not to say that you are to be serious 100% of the time - but there are limits on "silly" posts.

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