Here's a chart of (most of) the known gun statistics -- as you can see, they change from game to game:
Actually, that list was one of my references when I did the stats for WCTO's guns. Not sure why that piece of information slipped by me, or what other source contradicted it.
While Mike-L is still working on the C++ port, I thought I'd share some information about damageable ship components in the game. As always, feel free to comment!
"Light," "Moderate," "Heavy" and "Destroyed" denotes the damage level of the respective component, and what effect it has in game terms.
Acceleration absorber
To successfully accelerate/decelerate with a damaged acceleration absorber, you have to roll a minimum of...
Light: 3+
Moderate: 4+
Heavy: 5+, Acceleration reduced by 1
Destroyed: no acceleration possible
Light: Afterburner speed -2
Moderate: Afterburner speed -4
Heavy: Afterburner speed -6
Destroyed: Afterburner can't be used
Computer system
Light: communications system malfunctioning
Moderate: communications system fails (including transmission of IFF code)
Heavy: temporary power-down (lasts 1 turn; cumulative)
Destroyed: "Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it."
Ejection system
Light: +1 penalty for successful ejection
Moderate: +2 penalty for successful ejection
Heavy: +3 penalty successful ejection
Destroyed: no ejection possible
Fuel tanks
Light: Afterburner charges/Jumps -1
Moderate: Afterburner charges/Jumps -2
Heavy: Afterburner charges/Jumps -3
Destroyed: No afterburner/jumps possible
Ion drive
Light: Max Speed -1
Moderate: Max Speed -2
Heavy: Max Speed -3
Destroyed: ship coasts to a full stop (reduce current speed by 1 each turn)
Maneuver jets
To successfully change course with damaged maneuver jets, you have to roll a minimum of...
Light: 3+
Moderate: 4+, Turn Rate reduced by 1
Heavy: 5+, Turn Rate reduced by 2
Destroyed: Turn Rate drops to 0
Power plant
Ship will explode at the end of the next turn if you don't roll a minimum of...
Light: 2+
Moderate: 3+
Heavy: 4+
Destroyed: automatic
Repair system
Repairs one system at a time; damage level is reduced by 1 after 3 turns
Light: after 5 turns
Moderate: after 7 turns
Heavy: after 10 turns
Destroyed: no repairs possible
Shield generator
Affects shield points regeneration as well as shield points maximum
Light: Regeneration -1, shields maximum -25%
Moderate: Regeneration -2, shields maximum -50%
Heavy: Regeneration -3, shields maximum -75%
Destroyed: "Shields? What shields?!?"
Target track system
Damage to a ship's target track system adds Target Roll penalties
Light: Target Roll -1, missile Target Roll -1 (except DF and FF)
Moderate: Target Roll -2, missile Target Roll -2 (except DF and FF)
Heavy: Target Roll -3, missile Target Roll -3 (except DF and FF)
Destroyed: Target Roll -3, no missiles except DF and FF can be fired
Weapon destroyed
Gun, missile or decoy is immediately destroyed.