WC Fans?????

Originally posted by Ripper

A BARN? In Star Wars? What kind of backward redneck kind of thing is that? These are folks who have advanced to the point of galactic war. Nobody uses a barn anymore. They keep the animals in the house. Kinda like West Virginia.
It's an expression. And how do you know no one uses a barn anymore? :D
Originally posted by Hoops

how do you know no one uses a barn anymore? :D

I'm not talking about here and now, I'm talking about in Star Wars. All the critters were brought inside. And did you ever see anything in them that could pass for a barn?;)

And only a wuss flinches when shot at. You don't see or hear the one that gets you.

Remember to kick Ripper in the teeth with a steel toed boot.

Love, Justin.
A BARN? In Star Wars? What kind of backward redneck kind of thing is that? These are folks who have advanced to the point of galactic war. Nobody uses a barn anymore. They keep the animals in the house. Kinda like West Virginia.
I happen to be from West Virgina. :p
And the barn reference is an expresion. It means that Greedo couldn't shoot the side of a hypothetical barn, a large structure that would be difficult to miss, thus emulating his poor accuracy with firearms.
Why not a steel toad boot?

And West- By God- Virginia is cool!

Remember, you can lead a horse to water, and if you can get him to float on his back, you really have something.:D
By the way, did no one get the "ADVANCED to the point of GALACTIC WAR" deal? Talk about a contradiction in terms.:D
Originally posted by Ripper

I'm not talking about here and now, I'm talking about in Star Wars. All the critters were brought inside. And did you ever see anything in them that could pass for a barn?;)

I'm talking about Star Wars too. And just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And what critters are you talking about? The only farm we see is a moisture farm, no animals. And they'd probably still use a barn, it just wouldn't look like the barns we have.

And only a wuss flinches when shot at. You don't see or hear the one that gets you.
Have you ever been shot at before?
In Empire Strikes Back the Taun- Taun (sp?) things were brought in. The Bantha thing lived in the cellar in Return of the Jedi. Yoda kept snakes in his house. On and on.

The whole point was that it was a civilization "advanced" enough for...... never mind. I thought it was funny.

Yes. Scud missiles and small arms.
Originally posted by Ripper
The Bantha thing lived in the cellar in Return of the Jedi.

No, banthas were the beasts that the Tusken raiders rode in the very 1st movie.

That thing in the basement was by some other name, I forget the name, but i'd know it if I heard it
I remember seeing the snakes, but I don't recall them being absent in the original - why add the snakes?
To ward off Harrison Ford. Keep in mind it's when Luke heads to the planet with snakes that he and Han split-up! :D
O.K. So I don't know what the thing in the cellar was called. I don't usually clutter up my brain with a bunch of useless stuff anyway. If it sticks for some reason, O.K. But I try not to study the stuff.

The Indiana Jones stuff WAS funny.

And as far as snakes in the original Empire Strikes Back, Luke/Mark/Blair picked one out of his bowl or chair before he got hisself some chow!
Yeah, that's the bit I remembered.

But Luke didn't really have any reason to not want Han near him, other than Yoda might not want more attention than necessary, but even so, that's not exclusive to Han.