WC Fans?????

Originally posted by Templar
Special Edition? Does that mean they digitaly placed banthas on the flight deck? :)

And they altered the video so Dr. Severin punches Vagabond first.
Originally posted by WildWeasel
That's called a joke, you know. Remember how they edited A New Hope so that Han fired first?

No, Greedo shoots, Han dodge the laser and shoot at Greedo.
I get it!!!

But I didn't expect to see some kind of Star Wars reference in an exchange about Wing Commander.

Not a problem.
Ripper must've read that mysterious and elusive text that states "You cannot be exposed to (and if exposed, cannot enjoy) Star Wars movies and/or products if you like or have been exposed to Wing Commander before hand".
?:confused: ?:confused: ?:confused: ???

I like them all. I'm not a Trek spaz because I can't stand Voyager or Deep Space 9, and I really wasn't too keen on Next Generation the first couple of seasons. I like all 3 Star Wars movies, Empire Strikes back was best, the first new one they did sucked, I haven't seen the latest one, I assume it blows as well.

"Don't go changin',

To try to please me,

I love you just the way you are."

I just didn't catch the Star Wars joke.
Han didn't move, Greedo just can't hit the broadside of a barn apparently.

Maybe the WC3 scene was funny if you see it...
Originally posted by Hoops
Greedo just can't hit the broadside of a barn apparently.

A BARN? In Star Wars? What kind of backward redneck kind of thing is that? These are folks who have advanced to the point of galactic war. Nobody uses a barn anymore. They keep the animals in the house. Kinda like West Virginia.
(From Wide Mouth Frog joke)

Oh. Is that so?

Guess I'll have to go check it out WHEN IT"S A 99 CENT RENTAL.