WC:CD "Firekkan Fighter"

The attached file will hurt your brain, but I can't think of any quicker way to explain how to make a polygon fully lit.

If you really want to go insane, try doing that to every model in a mod with over 50 ships (over 100 meshes if you include capships' multiple components), and then throw in some cases in which you have to count up to face #1123 or whatever just to light it up. Man, I'm glad people like Standoff, otherwise this shit would be totally not worth the bother. :p


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Is it possible to mate the original fuselage to the model? I liked that fuselage a lot, and I really don't like that this new fuselage was taken directly from Jedi Outcast.
Yea pretty much the jedi outkast fuselage should be debunkt was only a little bit wider when I implemented it in... I agree that the old fuselage is much better... I'll get working on that right away.

Wow that's rough.....I mean there's probably an easier way like.....Just make the spots that you want lit up first....or save those spots seperatly then just import it into the model to have it light up so then if there's only 20 polies or something then all of them would be lit ya know....maybe I'm confusing myself but...I think i'm gonna try it tho....I only have a few in which I would need todo it for...some capships etc... but wow what a process, if only there was someway easier but I've been saying that from the start of this mod ~~~. :) Thank you very much Eder for the info
You could save the lit faces as a separate model and connect them using PART chunks (see my WCM Rapier model for that, I don't remember if it takes anything special), but this wouldn't work for capships (well, it would, but it would do you more harm than good - you'd need a complete model for the collison tree of each component). I don't remember if there are any other downsides to using PARTs.

What I ended up doing halfway through Standoff was making a script in my hex editor that I could run from the command line with the polygon number as an argument. The script was basically this:

Find "FACE" in text mode.
Find 00 00 00 FF 96 00 7F in hex mode.
Repeat previous step %1 times.
Move the cursor back one hex address (the one that has to be either 00 or 02)
If the address before the cursorreads 00, overwrite with 02
If current address reads 02, overwrite with 00
Else return an error.

So I could run something like "myscript.bat 201" from a command line, and that would light face 201 if it was unlit, or return it to standard lighting if it was already lit. That's a pretty neat feature of the hex editor I use.
Ahh Interesting.......When I get home from work tonight I'll give it a shot and see if it works out in my favor :)
Here is yet another revision to the Original Model and the Updated model...blending the 2 together....The poly count turns out to be alittle high so I had to improvize with the guns :) But I definately like all of the designs. But there can be only one type for what is going to be in the mod, And it will probably be the 2nd design or the last design seen here....To be more original it will probably be the last design. I have also yet to find the texture file I had for the Fuselage but I'll find it at some point tonight. Tell me what you think...


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Here's with the more firekkan texture i guess..


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Here's another with a slightly different texture hue to the Engines. To kinda kinda match the fuselage.. Let me know what ya think...

P.S: I definately like this design the best out of any of them.


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I'd always imagined a Firekkan fighter to be an almost bird-like design, highly menouverable, good top speed but lacking the shields, armour and firepower. You've basically covered all that here and I think this ship is perfect. Top job!