That definitely looks a bit alien and at the same time, it looks at home next to the Vampire since they both have similar engine/wing setups. Nice job! It looks a bit more fragile than the first fighter, so I might imagine it being more fast and maneuverable with weaker shielding and armor.
The side windows are an excellent touch. In drawings of Firekkans, they appear to have monocular vision since they have their eyes a bit to the sides of their heads rather than forward. They would likely appreciate having side views as well as forward in their fighters. This would allow them to track multiple targets from the front, sides, and a little bit behind them all at the same time (maybe enlarge the side windows and allow more of a rear view from the cockpit? You could even reduce the front and top views if necessary).
Birds generally fly at their prey by following a curved path since they see forward best with their heads turned at about a 40 degree angle. They would likely be looking primarily out the sides of their windows when flying in formation, going evasive, or turning to get on an enemy's six o' clock position. Foward and to a lesser degree backwards views would also be viewed simultaneously in their peripheral vision. They would likely be the first to visually spot an ambush from behind or targets to the sides.
On the downside, monocular vision hurts their ability to perceive distance (they still can, but not as well). A typical Firekkan fighter in your game could have high stats for flying and slightly low stats for gunnery as a result (not sure if gunnery and flying are seperate inputs in the game engine). When firing, they'd have to turn their head at a 40 degree angle (which birds can do very quickly). It would be similar depth perception to a human that had one eye.
If you design cockpits for the game, the Firekkan fighter cockpits would likely have some gagues located more towards the sides.
Other aspects of a bird's vision that could be handy for the fiction and possibly mission aspects of the game are a bird's ability to sense magnetic fields for navigating as well as see UV light (their fighters might be individually painted in UV rays, but we can't see them, for instance).
In their natural flying postitions Firekkans should naturally handle more Gs since blood wouldn't rush as much from their heads when pulling up and into their heads when pulling down. They wouldn't be able to handle accellerating and decelerating as much as humans though unless they were in a perch position..