Need a free file host? ~~~, me too!
Tell me about it. I've been having to manually attach like 10 zip's (over 5 per email) for each person who emails me about my Dark Pirates paper space-fighter ships.
Normally I'd just point at my free hoster, ... but it went down in like late August for a major server overhaul. They said they'd be back shortly, had frequent updates, even a crude countdown for early November, and then wham, Dec.10th rolls around and suddenly their address is pulling up what looks like one of those generic advert/searcher websites.
For like a week I was finding them at, but even that's now getting that advert/searcher type site.
Now their showing up as (probably cause the spam-bots took over rerouting ppl from the valid .com and .net identities to their spam-site). And while they look functional, the new user, existing user login, and password recovery things all just "site still in beta testing" page with no info whatsoever about when they expect to be back.
Need ideas for paint-jobs? Color? Ship design?
Converting your white low-poly 3d pics to color doesn't take me long. I'm pretty good and quick with windows paint (though I suck at CAD-3d. All my paper-works are self-drawn in windows paint, with the math and design entirely worked out by nothing more than my own mind and a pocket calculator).
I don't know how long it takes you to go from that flat-white low-poly look to the full-color high-poly look... painting/attaching textures, waiting for renders, etc... but I'm almost always free to run ideas by (or have a cheap color job done) cause I've got like no job (and no life)... its one of the few up-sides to being on disability welfare... TV, Internet, and paper-ships occupy probably like 80% of my time (when I'm not sleeping).
So if you want like 5 different color paint-jobs, and not just turn blue>red but actual "different looks" I've probably got the time to invent ideas and throw them your way. Use'em, don't use'em, I don't really care so long as it stays civil. Heck, I don't even really care if I don't get partial credit for the creative/artistic part of the process.
I mean really... I've got practically nothing else to do. (WAH! Actual possibility of death by sheer boredom!). ~~~.
Oh, before I forget... odd fighter pictures to inspire designs
These are from that mugenbine series I mentioned. As I said, some are odd, but "new" and/or "unusual" can be hard to invent... but sometimes its easier to take a bunch of odd-shaped bits and make a design than to make something out of nothing.
Heck, maybe it'll just inspare a paint-job or some wierd detailing.
... A red bird-fighter from one mugenbine "jumbo" set (second pic is its "shield" mode for when the robot part of its set needs a large shield... though it too kind of looks space-fightery)...
... A blue lion-fighter...
... A tan dino-attack-chopper (take off the top heli-blades and it might look a bit like a WCP Wasp) ...
... A future-car to pteradactl-like fighter ...
... A red raptor to rocket-thing (kind of Longbow or Epee looking) ...
... A tiger to, uh, kind of looks like a blue version of kilrathi cap-ship (wc1 Ralari maybe if you count the white area up front as "open space between two prongs")...
... A red lion-fighter (slight different from teh above blue one) ...
... A yellow lion to double-drill (if those rear vertical wings were put horizontal it might look a bit like WC1's Crossbow, or maybe a Phantom?)...
...and finally, a very bird-looking red'n'purple bird-fighter.