WC:CD "Fan Input"

Updated Paradigm with some armament....4 launchers...10 Turrets...Top n bottom


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hmm.. I didn't think the paradigm would look that natural with a non-shiny paint job but it seems to fit with all the other confed capships now.
I know one of the things with the Vision engine is that it's either A.) Saturated or B.) Unsaturated..There's no in between...Ehh oh well. I think I'm going to dig the Paradigm in the mod...Am I even saying it right "Para..Dig..em" or does that sound totally silly?

Here's the guns on the Hurricane II fighter, 2 Laser, 2 Particle...As modeled from Privateer..so they look accurate.. Enjoy!...But since I went to the paradigm earlier...I wasn't able to texture the actual fighter yet...Phew...Tired off to bed...Back at it tomorrow...Any other ideas send them my way I really want to get all the models for the most part done before new years and I've been plugging away at doing all of them so..Any info is good info. :D


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That makes sense come to think of it...Maybe it's just the way I was saying it since I was little and never knew otherwise...
Here was the one Kilrathi ship that I had planned to be used as a flyable ship at one point...It's a medium/heavy fighter that I dubbed the "Darthek" - 4 Lasers, 2 Neutron.... Packs a punch but it's rather hard to fly...But in the right hands it's a hard hitting ship

Also the Vaktoth that I had done will be used but not flyable...


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Also I just noticed that I can't have the Paradigm be inserted as a corvette! ! Which will allow me to up the poly count as it is right now :)
Here's a lil texture updated for the Hurricane II Fighter....


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do you plan to bring in all fighters of arena in all varieties? or just some. I have lost the overview somehow ^^

hmm, how about bringing back the morning star or an updated version of it? ( please with the mace missile)
Frosty: This is to be a Confed Fighter and is not flyable on the merc team....It replaces the Tigershark, but is similar in performance....I actually agree with the fighter being red it doesn't look very confed.

Triple-B: As far as the Arena fighters/bombers...Here is the few you see and/or are flyable.

Arrow Scout
Rapier Blade
Broadsword Executioner
Paktahn Phantom
Dralthi Striker
Darket Dragonfly

Also here's a list of Terran fighters that ARE NOT in Arena that are in Collateral Damage.

Excalibur Wyvern
Hurricane II

and some other fighters....


Please keep in mind there is different variants as far as loadouts...for certain fighters.

Also I'm running out of room for fighters the Morningstar is not on the roster and, I don't foresee it coming to fruition within the mod..meaning No.
I have the Hurricane II in the vision engine and it actually looks better either blue...or green.... So It will probably be the blue color you see above.
Well here is a tri-system craft that I was thinking on putting in as the Confed "Hurricane II" medium fighter....of coarse it still needs alot of work but it's based off of a P2 ship called the "Vendetta" . I mean remember when all those pirates in Priv 1 were flying around those Talons...Who knows how old those things were right? So it's definitely plausible to see some Tri-System fighters zoomin around.

Exactly, so why rename it? It could be the actual ship later seen in the Tri-System, no need to just cameo the shape.
Fine...Vendetta it is..., But maybe the name changes in 100+ years of time between Arena time and Priv 2...I mean Rapier "Blade"....Rapier "Cavalier"..... This Vendetta could have originally been called The Hurricane II....But I'll just call it the Vendetta
Fine...Vendetta it is..., But maybe the name changes in 100+ years of time between Arena time and Priv 2...I mean Rapier "Blade"....Rapier "Cavalier"..... This Vendetta could have originally been called The Hurricane II....But I'll just call it the Vendetta

Yes, it *could* have been called anything and changed its name, but in this case it's something that you came up with. The WC universe is so full of complicated things like that, it doesn't seem necessary to add one more. :)