Men, this film is B A D. Tom Cruise was allright, alhtough I ain't a fan! The visual effects were allright too, there's no doubt! But everything else was horrible! It was like watching a cheap afternoon horror TV film. I don't know what you found scary, it was simply boreing. After the first attack, everyone knew that our heroes won't be eaten/annihilated by the Marsians... BTW, they didn't said that the aliens came from Mars! It is in the novell, but director seems to tough that " hey waddahell, who cares where did they come from" It's maybe pointless today, but int the 50s-60s people (and Nasa) knew nothing about Mars, and lots of tales were about aliens living there, almost causing a histerical fear of Mars
Maybe if the aliens would'v eaten the lil girl dureing the first 10 minutes, then it would have turned out better. Her play was the worst I'v ever seen from an American child actor! She sometimes screamed when someone behind the camera held up a board with "!SCREAM!" written on it, even in totally normal situations... She should have been plaing a nerve wreck, but what was the point anyway? The boy was simply boreing. His play was like nothing was happpening around, and all the shouting and "conversation" was unbelivable.. It carried no real feelings or anything! If someone got bored on the "shoot em up show" of the aliens, maybe the family drama could bring something worth watching into the film, but no, it was all made up, had no sense to it.
I don't wanna say anything about the ending. I don't want to get banned

(alltough about the aliens its the same as in the novell! sounds strange, cause if they could build such things seen in the movie, AND been watching us for thousands of years, then how they didn't knew about the bacteriums?

Waynes musical version is a very good piece though! I really liked it! Too bad it got destroyed dureing moveing to my new home 6years ago

The radion drama is also a good one!
BTW, i remember there was a strategy game called W.o.t.W. It was quietly sunk, I never ever heard of it again, and never played it.