I must say that I thought Cruise actually did ok in this movie. He created a character I did not like in the least, could not relate to (seemingly Tom Cruise playing himself) yet I watched, I cared and despite knowing the story, I worried.
I thought yes, Ogilvy was a bit wasted, the dark end to his character was great though.
The film has some impressive visuals, the tripods on the river was fantastic and the whole movie did convey a decent sense of fear and helplessness.
I also loved the "shields down" tripod too. The dirty refugees, the marines, the half wrecked urban landscape with tripods... very half life 2, would have happily watched and extra half hour of that.
Yes the ending was cheesy, for both the Boston and Son reasons already mentioned.
While it isn't the greatest movie, I think Spielberg did do a commendable job, the gun/car scene (with the shots in the background when they are in the dinner) and Ogilvy's ending dealing with the very dark side of human nature are not normally seen in Hollywood summer blockbuster-type movies.
Give the film credit, it certainly has more edge than the usual "alien invaders" type movies, look at independance day, where apparently gays, blacks, whites, etc all put aside their differences, sing songs, hold hands and unite against the alien threat. Anyone here REALLY think that is what'd happen?