Vesuvius refit

Originally posted by Supdon3
well obviously you wouldnt be stupid enough to put the bridge up high unshielded by hull and a prime target to hit. Thats just asking to have your command crew wiped out and leaving the ship uncontrolled.

Star Trek example ,right ?????

I want a Vesuvius with more shields,naybe another bridge,some dual-lasers or flak turrets, and a big coke.
TC while you are right about cap ship engagements what about the evidence to the contrary on the vesuvii, they have like 16 antimatter guns which can only be used for 1 thing, capship fighting. If I could make my own vesuvii I would make it like the confederation dreadnought in mission, IE give it more anti-capship guns as well as a few more point defence massdrivers or lasers so that it could operate as a battleship as well as a carrier
as well as cost us so much we wont be able to produce anymore and its gonna get fried by a cap ship killer gun from the bugs then we'll all be sad that we wasted so much money and crew over a damn carrier/battleship lol
Well, aren't the Kilrathi Dreadnoughts we see in WC3 (in the failing game), the ones we read about in Fleet Action, and the KIS Karga (False Colors) exactly that type of ship?..

Notice how the Hakaga ships sent huge waves of fighters out first? They were very much based around the fact that they were carriers. Though they could defend themselves to a degree, the real reason they were able to stand up to confed is they just kept going when they got hit, and their fighters horribly outnumbered the Confed ships.

The Karga wasn't really built for anti capship work either... fine, it took on a Confed cruiser. The cruiser was damaged and they were fighting without fighters because they were forced to. The captain of the Karga was only willing to attack the enemy straight on because he knew a carrier was too expensive to waste in that type of engagement. Notice that the Karga got taken out as well :). That shows you why you don't put a cruiser up against a carrier.

They are costly obviously, but I would tend to think they do their jobs rather well TC...

Indeed they do. The Kilrathi super-carriers did indeed carry fighters well... Those from FA were unable to stop a bunch of barely armed marine landing craft, and the Karga was forced to take on a confed cruiser because it had little choice, and it payed the price for it. These ships aren't made to battle other capships.

The Lexington (real one, first one, not WC ;)) was originally designed as a battlecruiser. With the Washington Armaments Treaty limiting such designs she was converted into a carrier. It's generally believed that as a cruiser the Lady Lex wouldn't have stood up to a battleship salvo - she absorbed substantial at the Battle of Coral Sea, but bomb damage is different from shell damage. Or something like that.

I don't know what the point of this was but hopefully you learned something. Learn more at !

[BTW, Coral Sea was the first battle where the opposing fleets never saw one another. It was all one big air battle.

I don't believe we see any CVEs in the games, do we? And the Ranger is a CVL, correct? Are there any specs for the Tarawa?]

[Edited by Bob McDob on 07-01-2001 at 16:54]
Well, it said Tarawa was a reconfigured transport, so I'd probably picture a transport (I'm partial to WCIII) with a fighter bay.
Originally posted by Supdon3
Originally posted by Ghost

Star Trek example ,right ?????

Well Star Trek ships arent technically warships so they can get away with putting their bridges on top.

Thing about Star Trek though is how often does a bridge get taken out? And even if it is, it's no big deal. There's usually another bridge tucked away somewhere, and in a pinch most bridge functions can be routed to Engineering. You can run the ship from almost anywhere on the ship, therefore the bridge isn't as important as it seems.
Except for the fact that the captain and the senior staff members are all hanging around on the bridge... I mean, losing the senior staff is a rather large blow. It was a big blow even in a situation like the Tarawa where the captain was useless. Having your senior officers killed is sort of like getting knocked over the head. You get really rather confused while everyone figures out what they should be doing and who's in charge.


[Edited by TC on 07-01-2001 at 22:02]
Naturally thered be a chain of command and in the case of the senior staff being wiped out everyone would know automatically who to look to for orders. Mr. Scott was often put in charge of the ship while others went on away missions. In that case he'd probably take charge. But in the time it takes to realize that the senior staff is dead, and for the person left in charge to take over, the ship could be destroyed especially if its in the middle of a fight. It might be less disasterous if the bridge was destroyed by some phenomenom that wasnt threatening the ship immeadiatley like a space storm or sabotoge.
Originally posted by Supdon3
Originally posted by Ghost

Star Trek example ,right ?????

Well Star Trek ships arent technically warships so they can get away with putting their bridges on top.

Maybe you forget the Enterprise from *All the good things*
and the others truly warships like the Akira Class and the Defiant Class, and IIRC the Galaxy class is the only ship class with 2 bridges (the battle and saucer bridges)
The Enterprise from "All Good Thing..." was imaginary. It never came to be. The Defiant is the first true warship built by the Federation and both it and the Akira have recessed bridges. Neither have Bridges out in the open they are surrounded by hull. Only a direct hit from above would hit it. The Akira is not a warship however. Probably the Prometheus though with its multi vector assault mode. But every ship has an auxilary bridge. Its just that the Galaxy was the first ship that had a saucer seperation mode that didnt require a space dock to reattach the two. But even the Constitution class could seperate in an emergency.
All the new design ships after Wolf 359 have the bridge surrounded by hull like the Sabre and Steamrunner, but the Prometheus puzzles me !!!! (maybe because is in VOYAGER :))
How the Romulans takes her, all the sections with warp capabilities ( i don´t remember that the 3 sections had a warp drive).
It only had a skeleton crew for its test run, and it was never in warp when it seperated its hull, or else it wouldnt have been able to fire its phasers.