
oh well. So much for that. I'd still buy it so I could seem even MORE nerdy to my friends :)

[Edited by Mav23 on 05-18-2001 at 19:37]
buncha cheatin' stealing liars, kill 'em all I say!!! :)

Or maybe we could just sic the "Alligned Peoples" on them! :D

[Edited by Mav23 on 05-18-2001 at 19:41]
Well, I found it at KnivesExpress and have now placed an order. KrisV, my humble thanks. I only paid 29 bucks for it.
Well as much as it would honor me I know it's in total breach of protocol. If You can't do it, then I don't want to do it... I'll stick to Gryphon, or maybe I'll earn back my brass the hard way. KV's already got my thanks for making this board possible at all.
Well, You just tell me who they are (I assume Chris Reid, LOAF, Cpl Hades and Mr Kat are some of them, forgive me if I mentioned someone twice or left anyone out) and I'll thank them too. You were just the first one that came to mind.

And it's not called sucking up, it's called diplomacy.
Yeah, that always struck me as strange... No popup commercials, no annoying banner ads for webcams and such... And no SWEEPSTAKES! Really helps the realism along ;)
Ads don't work, and we wouldn't want any anyway. We get a dollar from every Cafepress shop purchase, though that doesn't even begin to cover the expenses. We don't mind paying for the CIC, because we enjoy running it.