
THere was no simulater in SO so there should be in the next one:)

I want in! We can play Rockero from the Celeste system!
Rockero from the Celeste system sounds great to me, man... ;)

It would be kind of cool to own a bar... You know here in Sweden we have a TV show called "The Bar" which is about 10 people who have to run a bar for 10 weeks and each week someone gets voted out... I was thinking of applying for next season... Maybe I'll have a WC theme night ans tape the show and send it to LOAF or something ;)
Expedition Robinson was either a British or Dutch idea, which noone used, and so they sold it to Sweden who made the first "Survivor" type show using that idea, and then Sweden sold it on to the US and further... Big Brother as far as I recall is also Dutch... Who thought of Baren? We just finished season 3, any takers?

Truthfully, I detest docusoaps, but what does one not do to get one's band some publicity...

I'm heavily in the minority and this is off the current topic about bad 80s movies from bad 70s Steven King novels, but I really perfered the WC3 jump suits over the later ones in WC4 and P. I'd like to point out though that the WC4 Border World uniforms are the WC3 uniforms with Flack Vests and that Sosa looked DAMNED good in one :)
Originally posted by Ladiesman^
Originally posted by $tormin
The WCM uniforms were the ugliest uniforms i've even seen. EVER. The nay uniforms (or whatever Sansky, Gerald, etc. wore) would have been cool if not for that stupid collar that came out. The other uniforms were even worse. And those hats! Who thought of those hats? Good lord...

I liked the WCM uniforms, though I thought the "throw-back to u-boats" in the hat department just looked stupid. Blame it on Magali Guisacci, who also did "Leon: The Professional"
[Leon puts on a knitted cap]
Mathilda: What's that for?
Leon: Can't afford to catch cold.

I'm sorry, but David Warner looked great in the Admiral's duds. I actually wrote a letter to Angels way back after the movie came out for the paterns to make the WCM uniforms (Tolwyn's in particular) and they said to contact her (Magali) directly. I never got a reply from her. :(

I recently got the Pilgrim Cross Knife, and I have been wearing it now for about a week. And it seems to bring me luck, found a check for 300 bucks in the mail this morning!

I've been thinking of getting that Pilgrim Cross... But I think I'll go for some nice Alchemy silver jewelry instead... Although it looks mighty fine, I don't want to pay 50 bucks for a pendant. Maybe if I find a cheap one.
Originally posted by RFBurns
I recently got the Pilgrim Cross Knife, and I have been wearing it now for about a week. And it seems to bring me luck, found a check for 300 bucks in the mail this morning!


That's your new pay check :) Does the knife actually retract automatically or do you have to insert it and take it out manually?
I think carrying a lethal weapon proudly around Your neck isn't what it's about... I'm quite certain from reading the specs on Ebay that the knife fits onto the handle, not into it...
that sucks. I would carry a lethal weapon on my neck. No one would mess with me then, but it would really suck if I fell on it :(