Originally posted by Filler
there is another easter egg involving one of the sim missions and your performance in a similar mission in-game
The trigger is something related to the above sentence and also with "groovy"...
The game mission that is similar to the sim mission 1 would be the "prelude", where you id those transports and fight the drones at nav 2.
Somehow I triggered it, I don´t know what did I do, though...
Is the trigger a logic thing or just a random action in the prelude mission? In that prelude, among other things, I´ve already:
1 - used the music switcher.
2 - identified the running away ship at nav3 (I bet this is the one).
3 - destroyed the bridge / engines of the contraband transport at nav 2.
4 - identified the containers at nav2.
5 - I might have seen the word groovy on some comm transmission on the prelude. Or have I dreamed of that?
One of the above must be the trigger, and I bet it´s either #2 or #4.
But if I triggered it once, I can´t trigger it again... Or the easter egg can be triggered again if I use a different callsign?