UE easter egg

LOL! I tried that last night on SO, taunted a couple tardish Stingrays into the asteroids, that was GREAT! Even better was when I was being tailed and there was a relatively small asteroid in front of me about the size of my ship. Two short afterburn thrusts later, I was over and past the asteroid but back on my original course. The Moray following me however was a bit more worse for the wear... he made the keen mistake of running into said asteroid. Was quite exciting.
I find the biggest asteroid I can see, park so it's between me and the spawn point and taunt away!
Originally posted by Quarto
Well... when you taunt them into the asteroids, they crash and burn :p.

!!!!!! Ill try this the first time I get my PC working again!!
(Easter or Summer......:( )
Ok, when I fly the Ferret in simulator mission 1 (the one where you have to ID the cargo containers then blast the ones with contraband, and then fight a wave of pirates), occasionally my wingmen will seem to be flying Rapier IVs. Would this be the easter egg that you are referring to?
It might have something to do with it, but I don´t think that´s the easter egg. Those Rapiers aren´t your wingmen, they shoot at you.
Yay, you've found it - that is the easter egg :). And you're both right, BTW - there are hostile Rapiers and friendly ones. The hostile ones should be a special treat for anyone who dislikes Casey, as well.
What??What Pirates ?I cant play the game now,but I only remember in the Sim mission1 only drones attack you!
I always thought that the easter egg had something to do with that mission. But the Rapiers always show up to me. What´s the trigger?
SO.....we know the Easter Egg,but not the Trigger....:rolleyes:

Think,what where your steps,what did you do in that mission,or before that Ijuin !
You need to slow down on your coffee TCS... ;) I´ll play it again and try to find out, ok?

But, if I remember well, all I do is ID the contraband containers and then shoot them down.
I cant play UE,or I would find out :P.

I have played the first Mission of the Sim a 100 times.But nothing happens with rapiers!
Originally posted by Filler
there is another easter egg involving one of the sim missions and your performance in a similar mission in-game

The trigger is something related to the above sentence and also with "groovy"...


The game mission that is similar to the sim mission 1 would be the "prelude", where you id those transports and fight the drones at nav 2.


Somehow I triggered it, I don´t know what did I do, though...

Is the trigger a logic thing or just a random action in the prelude mission? In that prelude, among other things, I´ve already:

1 - used the music switcher.
2 - identified the running away ship at nav3 (I bet this is the one).
3 - destroyed the bridge / engines of the contraband transport at nav 2.
4 - identified the containers at nav2.
5 - I might have seen the word groovy on some comm transmission on the prelude. Or have I dreamed of that?

One of the above must be the trigger, and I bet it´s either #2 or #4.

But if I triggered it once, I can´t trigger it again... Or the easter egg can be triggered again if I use a different callsign?
Originally posted by Starkey
3 - destroyed the bridge / engines of the contraband transport at nav 2.
You destroyed the transport? Tsk, tsk, you're only supposed to disarm it and escort it to Beaufort. But no, that has nothing to do with the easter egg, I just thought I might point it out ;).

I will also say that one of the actions on your little list is almost the correct answer :). If you've been unable to trigger it since then, then you're probably just not doing it right.
Tonite I´ll find it out and post it here to get my cookie.

I know I´m not supposed to destroy the transport. I did it once just for fun.