UE easter egg

Your game has been out more than a month. Time to reveal the Rapier easter egg.
Is that some sort of Easter Egg Ettiquette?
We have to reveal them if they've been around for more than a month?

I'm fairly certain it has something to do with the damned patrol mission you first fly... something about brilliance and grooviness makes me think to the drugs you detect on one of the freighters but for crying out loud I can't make the connection or find anything that's triggered any sort of whatsamawhosit or anything that would be affected in the first sim mission in which you also detect brilliance. It's quite frustrating and I'm feeling misled... :P
Well, the price of easter eggs is eternal vigilence. Are you sure you found everything in your search for the trigger?
Ive finished it 3 times and I play it again....Where in hell is it ??

Talk Quarto or you ll be froced to talk :mad:
Look, it's an easter egg. It's not a big deal. And besides, when you do figure it out, you'll find yourself wondering what took you so long, because it will seem pretty obvious :).
Originally posted by Unregistered
Then tell us if it's no big deal.
It's exactly because it's no big deal we don't want to tell. It's just an easter egg, you don't have to find it. It's really not a big deal, just something funny to see in a mission. I am sure someone will see(or already has seen) the easter egg and not realise that it indeed is the easter egg you're looking after.

The trigger for this second easter egg is complex... but if you assemble all the posts that hints it you'll see that it requires you to use the first one, and it involves two missions that have something in common, one in the sim and one in the gameflow. These are not new hints, they've been posted before and are more than enough to find out the second easter egg.

Edit: Typos
Guys, what if we go to the window (1st Easter Egg) to the Tigers Claw and from there run the simulator.Play all the missions ...and well......I dont know:cool:
Originally posted by PopsiclePete
... they've been posted before and are more than enough to find out the second easter egg.

Lies... lol. :D You can take this time to notice that we haven't found out your second easter egg yet. ;)
Originally posted by 15th Rampage
maybe is that pluus compliting all the sim mission with kilrathi ships and Nefilins
Oh, that would be a cruel, cruel thing to ask of the players :). No, it's much simpler than that. And in fact, the use of the first easter egg that Pete mentioned is also not required... we wanted to do it that way, but for some reason we never got that to work properly.