The Perfect Fighter?

A lot of these changes would genericize the fighters... quite a bit of fun can be had in a Broadsword when unable to hit the smaller craft of just evading and listening to the consant screams of death as your turrets shred them, and a lot of the early challenge can be had trying to aim sans ITTS
Originally posted by Ijuin

take 25% off the Rapier's shields.

Are you nuts. Thats like flying a glorified Epee. Lose 25% of the shields on a Rapier and the first hit you take is gonna be carving chucks out of your armor.:eek:
Originally posted by Ijuin
Raptor mentioned putting Mace missiles on the torpedo hardpoints. Is that possible? In the game, I have been unable to change the torpedos to anything else--can they be changed in the loadout screen, or do I need to use an editor program? I have downloaded the WC4 edit program that is available in the CIC files section, but I don't know how to implement the settings that I create.

IIRC, any fighter with torpedo hardpoints can mount maces, once you fly the mission that gives you access to the maces in the first place. (The capture the carrier mission in Speradon.) After that, just select the torp hardpoint on the loadout screen and scroll through the options available.

Best, Raptor
Ah, that explains a lot. I always go for attacking the weapons plant instead, which gives you the Starburst/Coneburst missiles. I always have trouble with the capture-the-carrier mission because the carrier can't be leeched.
Originally posted by Ijuin
Ah, that explains a lot. I always go for attacking the weapons plant instead, which gives you the Starburst/Coneburst missiles. I always have trouble with the capture-the-carrier mission because the carrier can't be leeched.
I'm not so sure that carrier can't be leeched, I'll have to play it through once more ( just another excuse to play it for kazillionth time:D ).
BTW, Coneburst/Starburst missiles suck big time. Dumbfires are way better, and they aren't actually on top of my favorite missile list.
I'm pretty sure that the carrier in the Speradon system cant be leeched--I have tried shooting it with leech cannons at point-blank range, and I have tried firing eight leech missiles at it, to no effect. I believe that in order to capture the carrier you are required to shoot out the engines and destroy each and every turret.
Originally posted by Ijuin capture the carrier you are required to shoot out the engines and destroy each and every turret.
That sounds right to me. Problem for me is shooting the engines. Sometimes the angle at which I shoot seems to have an effect on whether the game registers hits on the engines or not. I'm a bit afraid that I might blow up the carrier instead.
I don't know much about the angle for shooting out the engines, other than I know that it must be from behind. Also, it seems that you have to destroy the turrets BEFORE you destroy the engines, or the Border Worlds ship won't show up to board it.
Well, duh, it has to be from behind. ;) I meant whether the engines were shot directly from behind, or from a more oblique angle.

And it makes sense to shoot off the turrets first, anyway.
Well yeah it makes sense to shoot the turrets first, but I was pointing out that the game will not recognize that you have completed the mission unless ALL of the turrets are down before you shoot a single engine--if you shoot the engines first, you will not complete the mission. As for the angle to shoot the engines, an oblique angle seems to work--I would sit behind the carrier in one spot and shoot all three in sequence.
Umm, no, no problem here. I played it again and I had no problems whatsoever. I have a version 2.0 on DVD, so it was probably fixed in this version.
PS. Did you notice leech indicator on your HUD, in upper right corner?
That's what I meant about shooting off the turrets first, but I couldn't be bothered to write up the explanation like you did, Ijuin. ;)

Well, what I meant to say is that if you shoot off some turrets, then shoot one of the engines, then shoot the rest of the turrets, then shoot the other engines, you won't get credit for completing the mission. If even one turret is still active when you hit the first engine, you fail.


I sat and shot my leech cannons at the carrier for quite a while, and the leech indicator still read zero percent leeched. Ordinarily it takes only two or three passes to completely leech a Concordia class carrier. Presumably this is either a bug or else the mission was designed that way so that the turrets would be shooting at you as you try to shoot them off.
I always had problems with this mission. I distinctly remember shooting all the turrets and then the engines. But the mission was never a success. :mad: Anyways did anyone try flying inside the carrier and then shoot out the turrets? I did and it worked well.

Besides why should it matter which order you shoot out the turrets and engines, so long as you get them all?
I don't know why it should matter--I only know that the game is set up so that it won't recognize the completed objective unless you finish removing ALL the turrets before you start on the engines. Also, the other wing flying the diversion mission to draw the fighters away (you hear them over the comm at another nav point) needs to complete their mission--if they all eject, then the mission is a failure no matter what you do.
OK, here comes the weird part. I replayes it once again and I had to shoot it until was almost destroyed. Then the game deems this mission to be a sucess. Weird...
That's the thing - sometimes I shoot so much I think it'll blow up and I'll fail... and then the computer says "Mission Accomplished" or whatever.
Rapier from Standoff with an added ITTS would be my pick - could go up against anything the Empire had during that era as far as I'm concerned.