Vice Admiral
I don't exactly blame Reagan for the bad economy. I blame the cold war in general. Reagan had a large part in the deficit with the heavy build up of weapons, conventional, nuclear, and especially star wars. That deficit is one of the biggest factors in why we have trouble now.
The economy will never be great, not without running the extremes of popularity, and it will take a long time to fix. People will either really love the reforms or they will hate it and take up arms against the government, maybe not that bad
But it is something that will take a long time and each adminstration has to follow in the last's footsteps and therein lies the problem. Even if Bush jr. serves two terms, and implements the appropriate reforms, he still has to bow to another president. Even if another Republican is voted in then he\she (trying to be PC here) probably won't follow the same path.
So, in my opinion, you really can't blame any one person for the economy.
But since Clinton took office the Democrats really piss me off, the politicians not my esteemed collegues here. There's just something that really rubs me the wrong way.
The economy will never be great, not without running the extremes of popularity, and it will take a long time to fix. People will either really love the reforms or they will hate it and take up arms against the government, maybe not that bad

So, in my opinion, you really can't blame any one person for the economy.
But since Clinton took office the Democrats really piss me off, the politicians not my esteemed collegues here. There's just something that really rubs me the wrong way.