the new war in the gulf

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Originally posted by Quarto
Yeah, what an asshole! How dare he voice his opinion in public!

He had every right to say what he said, and there was no reason whatsoever why the Academy Awards would be the wrong time or place for it. It's a public forum, and most definitely the right place if you want to voice an opinion about a public matter. Especially considering that he had just been given an Oscar for Bowling For Columbine.

I was still booing him all the way.
Woo, hooray for stupid cartoons that allow people to not say anything and still pretend they have a point.

So, uh, let me get this straight, Delance. America gives Michael Moore free speech. So, he should be grateful for it, and he should show his gratitude by not exercising his right to free speech? Wonderful, brilliant. After all, the real reason why people in America are allowed to criticise their government is so that they can praise it for allowing them to criticise it, right?

Oh, wait, maybe not.
Originally posted by Quarto
Woo, hooray for stupid cartoons that allow people to not say anything and still pretend they have a point.

Since you couldn't understand the intricate languague of political satire, let me explain it go you. Micheal Moore has as much right to criticize the government, as the cartoonist has to right to criticize him. Micheal Moore is making a speech AGAINST the Iraqi people right to have free speech.

Regardless of what you might expect, free speech isn't just for Micheal Moore or you, Quartro, but for everybody.

Here's an example of free speech. You say the cartoon is stupid. Someone else says it’s insulting to even classify as “documentary” that nazi propaganda movie of Moore, and even more shameful to give an award to it.
The thing is, they have satire for a lot of things there. They don't just pick on Michael Moore, they have a go at Iraq, America, North Korea, Frace, ect. If they knew about yesterdays riots where "anti war" protestors chanted the musilum calling for Jihan and Holy War, they'd probably make fun of that too. Here, here's some more examples of editorial comits that take a dig at the evil empire and such.

Star Trek to the extreme.

A fantasy UN, to be sure.

Sorry TC :p

Now maybe protesters will come up against a wall.

Hmmmm, reminds me of that level from Final Doom.

I always knew Saddam was a rat.

Next time there's a protest (either today or tomorrow) I'm doing this.

More satire for Chirac.

My personal fave, and what I use for wallpaper. Serious.

Nuke Pyonyang like you did in Nuclear Strike.

Which one's the joker?


Turkey's not safe either.

More Chirac bullying.

Reminds me of my uni government professor.

Guess Angel's afraid of the sleeping giant.
Originally posted by Delance
You say the cartoon is stupid. Someone else says it’s insulting to even classify as “documentary” that nazi propaganda movie of Moore, and even more shameful to give an award to it.

I invoke Godwin's Law.

You Lose!

(In other words, this conversation isn't going anywhere and people shouldn't waste time throwing stupid comments at each other)
Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
The thing is, they have satire for a lot of things there. They don't just pick on Michael Moore, they have a go at Iraq, America, North Korea, Frace, ect.

Yeah, they are very funny. It's curious how some of their "targets" like so much to criticize, but don’t accept any criticism themselves.
Nope, Nazi related.

The problem with Godwin's law is that it never actually works. You end up discussing Nazis or Godwin's law after it's invoked.
This thread had nothing to do with Godwin's law. In fact, when you claimed it, you automatically lost it, what is remarkable, since you was not part of it.


Godwin's Law
Godwin's Law prov. [Usenet] "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." There is a tradition in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress. Godwin's Law thus practically guarantees the existence of an upper bound on thread length in those groups. However there is also a widely- recognized codicil that any intentional triggering of Godwin's Law in order to invoke its thread-ending effects will be unsuccessful.
Originally posted by Delance
This thread had nothing to do with Godwin's law.

Wait for it...

Originally posted by Delance
Someone else says it’s insulting to even classify as “documentary” that nazi propaganda movie of Moore, and even more shameful to give an award to it.
I don't know if Godwin's law always applies.

There might be a legitimate case where it's okay to discuss Nazi's or Hitler, or something.

Perhaps if I was asking for material on a history essay about Adolf Hitler's actions in WW2, or say, ask questions about the Holocaust which are legitimate (meaning they're not started to incite an argument, but truly to learn more information).

Hmm, I'm not certain.

Godwin's Law, as originally stated, always applies as it's a statement about the statistical probability of a Nazi mention:

"Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies: As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the
probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."

The thread ending convention, in practice, only applies when one or more sides of the argument are willing to abide by it, which is unlikely in a serious discussion about Nazis. However, even serious discussions of Nazis tend to go to hell rather quickly.

The only generally approved exception to the thread ending convention is in the event of intentional invocation. One can't post a message like this and have the convention invoked:


Godwin's Law, thread's done
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