Originally posted by Chris Mungo
Saddam is evil - no discussion. But why attack the USA Saddam now? iraq is a threat for USA? no, of course not. 1447? Hey, the US wait 12 years and now they think, 2 weeks are too short?
I'll say something: the USA have foundet the UN, accepted the un-carta and now, the USA attack a country that is no threat for the usa.
Think about it.
(1) Why now? how about because 12 years is far too long to wait, and it's about time to take Saddam out to the woodshed?... And to any who think that he's no threat to the US, can anyone
seriously doubt that he and Bin Laden are in cahoots to one degree or another?... Remember that old saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". I haven't the slightest doubt that Saddam has given financial and no doubt other sorts of aid to Bin Laden over the years, and likely *especially* since 9-11...
(2) I have thought about it, and here's what I came up with: You conveniently ignore the fact that the UN "got tough" with Saddam in terms of words, but when he dragged his feet (as we all knew he would), they shrink back from enforcing the "consequences" they promised him. THAT's why the US is acting, and acting pretty much alone here. When a threat/warning is issued, and same is ignored by the warn-ee, and the issuing authority fails to back up their words with the promised actions, the "authority" becomes toothless; a paper tiger. As a result, the warn-ee becomes bold, insolent, and arrogant, realizing that they can get away with doing whatever they want. Any of us who are parents (esp. of a teenager) realize that...
In short, the UN is "wimping out", and we (like a good parent) are *insisting* on enforcing the promised consequences, even if we are forced to go it (nearly) alone. When authority becomes flabby and lazy, and fails to enfoce itself when needed, it has become corrupt and therefore useless. In that situation, it is altogether right and just that those who still know right from wrong take action, even though they face the scorn of their neighbor.
Originally posted by Bobbo1701
...as a matter of fact I was out protesting this war today at my college campus. You probably not gong to see it on CNN because there were very few of us and we're in the middle of butt fuck no where, but the point is i did it. However that does not mean that i think we should pull out now that we are committed...that there are thos in this country who believe taht this war is wrong and dangerous and there is no way we can walk out of it looking good.
Good for you; you have
somewhat redeemed yourself here. However, you seem stuck on this point about "how we look". Damn it, man; if you think it's wrong, DO something about it, instead of just going along.
It's great that you protested the war, but then you turn right around and negate your protest by saying that you don't believe we should pull out cuz of how we "look". Looks aren't what this is about; it's about what's right and what's wrong: "Looks" be damned... I get whiplash trying to follow your logic.
Originally posted by ChrisReid
"Do what you want, as long as you don't hurt anyone" is an absurdly simplified generalization of the utilitarian concept suggested long ago by the political theorist John Stuart Mill.... Concidentally, Mill also espoused a theory where it is the just responsibility of civilized nations to coerce barbarians and corrupt nations to freedom.
Interesting. In medicine, one of the first things we learn is the ancient Latin phrase "Primum non necere", which means "first, do no harm". This shows up in the Hippocratic oath. (which, ironically, is one reason why abortion is a prime violation of a doctor's sworn responsibilities under said oath...)
I'm down with your second point about Mills philosophy, too.