Tetris Ling said:The main problems with Matrix 3 was that, halfway through the movie, it completely drifted away from what the Matrix movies did best: The Matrix. The battle for Zion was all well and good, but it dragged on and on and on and on (and on and on) when, in the long run, it was a rather insignifigant place to be spending time. I would have much rather spent the time watching the Matrix disintigrate from the inside, and event that got far too little screentime. I even thought the Neo/Smith fight was too short, or too rushed.
Also, it has the worst deus ex machina ending I have seen since Jurrasic Park 3. I'm not talking about the "Not Resolving Anything" part. I'm talking about the silly, unwarrented, and downright goofy bit after the "Not Resolving Anything" part. Those two minutes to more to undermine the movie than just about anything that came before.
Col.Dom said:As for the ending... well... how else did you expect it to end!?
Starkey said:She also kisses Ghost and Niobein Enter the Matrix.
Starkey said:Will they release additional material (i.e. another game or Animatrix II) to explain the story?
LeHah said:Theres a lot more to Reloaded if you take your time and look.
LeHah said:As for Persephone, the story is she was the wife of Hades (if you don't know who Hades is, I'm not talking to you) and in a fit of PMS over her marriage her mother Demeter split the seasons. When Persephone was with her husband, bitter winter was given to Man; when she was freed, we got spring. We could also make a safe judgement on this as her personality: very sexual but very cold about it.
LeHah said:All we know is that Revolutions was left open-ended in that fashion due to the MMPORPG in development, which if you ask me, is really goddamned silly to do.
Darkmage said:neo isn't dead, if you watched the film revolutions, the scene where smith goes "I win, I was standing here, you were lying there and then I said... every beginning has an ending" - or something like that, that line was from the ORACLE, meaning that somehow at least a part of her survived inside smith, knowing this neo knew that he'd survive if he entered smith, and would be able to destroy smith.
ChrisReid said:I really don't think the movie was changed in any way to cater to the game.. It'd be pretty easy to make a Matrix online game no matter how Revolutions ended.
cff said:Like?
LeHah said:Between both of your replies to me, I thought long and hard to come up with a proper response and then remembered the character of Kosinski from Star Trek TNG who was probably the most annoying asshole in the first season, outside of Wesley. So, just to annoy you, I'm going to quote him instead of wasting my time coming up with some kind of wit that you won't get:
AAAAND the winner is......lorddarthvik said:Hey, men!!! look at yourselfs. You say that the film was bad, you didnt like it. Then WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WRITING letters to this thread that could fill whole books??? I tell you why. Because the film was made this way, just to make the most of the people care about it even after they walk out from the cinema.
lorddarthvik said:Oh, BTW: you all get it wrong: try to watch the Revolutions and Reloaded with the tought: they are ALL (Neo, Morpheus, Smith..) just AI. You've been betrayed. There aint no human heroes, there is no war between the robots and human. There was a war, but it ended with the humans enslaveing the AI into a Big Matrix, where it could belive that it won the battle against humanity.
Well, birds sing that this was the Watchowski brothers original concept, but Holywood simply didnt like it. Just look a the animatrix part where the robot! librarian tells the story of the war... neo is just an AI as everyone else, thats why he could destroy th erobots in the 'real world'... and so on. With this, the last scene makes sense (Girl, Architect, Oracle).
Excuse me if I'm saying I found that very american.. Heros fighting without sense.
It would also be the worst plot twist *ever*, and that includes all the awful plot twists that did appear in Reloaded. Once you go down that road, the whole thing becomes utterly pointless, and the audience would switch off. After all, if this second world turned out to be a fake, then the third can be a fake too. And if it's all fake, then none of it matters.Dreamer said:That's an interessting point, lorddarthvik! After Reloaded we discussed that idea: What if Neo and all the others also were AI, that the "real world" was just another Matrix... that would explain why Neo is able to stop the robot-spiders....