The bengal

Well, does anybody have any ideas about the bengal? I'm currently using wc1 and academy for reference, but I'd also like to incorporate elements from the movie... and speaking of that, does anybody have some good shot's of the movie bengal?
Originally posted by Corsair(pilot)
... and speaking of that, does anybody have some good shot's of the movie bengal?
The movie Bengal (assuming you mean the "Tiger Claw" from the WCM)?...Are you high?... why would anyone want that? Just take picture of a bivalved cigar and you're set.... :rolleyes:
this is quite obviousa what he's trying to do... movie quality wc models...there are over 80 models not 60. in wc 1-4 btw nice work on the bengal.... I'd be interested in the concordia model...
WE ARE ALL INTERESTED in his models. Can't wait to get some of them into my hands

are we speaking of my models?

If so I may have something for you byt the end of the day today.... stay posted.

but if not; bah! You get nothing! LOL :D
Originally posted by Corsair(pilot)
are we speaking of my models?

If so I may have something for you byt the end of the day today.... stay posted.

but if not; bah! You get nothing! LOL :D

of course... I'm looking forward to see some of your work ... in order to post it on my site :D lol
Okay, now that I can see it, I have to ask - what are all those really long thing extensions to the 'arm'? They look like they could snap off...
what are the polycounts of your models? we've had 30k-40k models in vegastrike before... the game runs fine... if you have a geforce 3/4... i'm thinking of getting a GerforceFX aka NV30... so how many polys do they have?
In total, the bengal so far has about 15,129 polys..... (argh) And by the time it is completed I expect that number to at least triple.... at least

However, some of my smaller models may be a bit more suited?
Why did you put all these "Antennas" in the "right" arm of the TigersClaw ? ??

:D Well, pretty much because I felt like it! I was thinking that they are sensor rods for readings and what not... No real reason, just thought they looked cool. You don't like them?
high poly fighter class vessels would be great... It's really a lot better if we get the meshes from one guy.. I know that may sound like putting a lot of pressure on one person, but when you use several artists work... the ships tend to look patchy... especially when you get people working on wc 1/2/3 craft... they tend to make the ships look like the games... but your models are different, because you're sacrificing perfect remakes for hitech, related looking ships... they'll look really great together.
Hey that allready looks great, but I would make some little changes.
I would connect the "arm" closer to the hull.
About the antennas or whatever...I would put them elsewhere and put there a Torp luncher or turrets. You can leave some antenas there but reduce the numbers.
If you have done something else I and everyone else would like to see it.
Damm the Claw was and still is my favorit ship in WC. Give me some million credits and I would refit it to match Prophecy technologie.

Beside that, what program do you use for modeling? I am working on the Blackmane station, but I can't get the quality you have...
Originally posted by gevatter Lars
Damm the Claw was and still is my favorit ship in WC. Give me some million credits and I would refit it to match Prophecy technologie.

Hey , Im not a dead old Carrier afterall :)