Originally posted by Ghost
Then it´s a fault in your educational system ,i can understand your point, but it doesn´t make it more valid or not.
Yes surely i come from a different value system, my parents and teachers taught me to respect the life and the other´s rights.
Oh, I have been taught to respect others' lives and rights - but only if they respect mine

. As for the educational system, yes, you could call that a fault - but is the fault in my system, or in yours?
Then you are so naive, Israel doesn´t hold any Lebanese territory then why they attack Israel? As i wrote to Needaham below, is better if they fight the Syrians the truly invaders of their land.
I didn't say Israel holds Lebanese territory - but I did say that it holds Lebanese prisoners. I also said that since the withdrawal, Hezbollah has considerably scaled down its attacks. So what exactly is your point? Yes, Palestinians continue to serve Hezbollah now. What are they supposed to do, go home? They're refugees.
As for Syria, the Lebanese have been through almost 30 years of civil war. They hate the Syrians, but they
cannot afford a violent confrontation, for fear that the civil war will return. They do, however, speak out against Syrian occupation, and the Syrians' withdrawal is just a matter of time.
I don´t see what is the ambigous thing about the AMIA, and how it have some relation with the factory in Sudan, AFAIK Argentina didn´t attacked Sudan or Lebanon. so there is no reason to attack here.
So if Poland is invaded by Rusia, you will bomb the *Friendly Mutual Asociation of Rusian and Nicaraguenses* in Nicaragua?
If that's what it took... yes, I would. If a country aids my oppressors, then that country is oppressing me too.
As for the factory in Sudan, it was a reference to the Americans' actions after the embassy bombings in 1998. Without bothering to prove any sort of link between Al Qaida and the factory in question, they simply bombed the factory. By your standards, that would make them terrorists.
thanks God that they use home made rockets, surely those rockets don´t harm anybody

they use rockets what is the difference....some are home made, the others aren´t, they kill people.
The difference is scale. A bullet is not the same as a nuclear bomb, wouldn't you agree? The rockets they use do a lot less damage than the bombs Israel responds with. This is not an attempt to defend their actions, though. I do not defend Hamas, since (unlike Hezbollah) they have contributed more to continuing the occupation than ending it.
And this from Hizbollah Official site.
_´´Because Hezbollah’s ideological ideals sees no legitimacy for the existence of “Israel” a matter that elevates the contradictions to the level of existence. ´´
I've seen the Hezbollah site before... and they seem to have toned down their rhetoric considerably since then. Notice that Hassan Nasrallah's speeches refer to Israel and Israelis directly - that's a signal of recognition. If Lebanon was ever to recognise Israel (which they will, after Syria does), they would too.
Other facts to note - their introduction page talks about resistence and fighting in past tense.
When it comes to the present, the emphasis is on Hezbollah's
peaceful political activies in Lebanon. The (rather outdated) activities page mentions that recent (circa May 2000) shelling of "Zionist settlements" was a response to attacks on civilians. And, in various news articles on the press page, the emphasis seems to be on Israel's violations of UN resolutions rather than Israel's existence.
Is worthy to note that all the internal links work except the *occupied zone* one....why?
Wow, good question... it must be some sort of conspiracy!
But no. The occupied zone link doesn't work, while other links (issues, hostages & wounded) lead to blank pages. The activities page is outdated. It seems the site is simply in need of maintenance
