Originally posted by Needaham45
at least Lebanon and Jordan are quite peaceful.
Lebanon (a semi-puppet state of Sirya) support Hamas and others terrorists group.
Originally posted by Needaham45
at least Lebanon and Jordan are quite peaceful.
1. Turkey is NOT an Arab country. They're a completely different ethnic group.Originally posted by Frosty
Unlike every other Arab country in the region, Turkey happens to be fairly intelligent and reasonable, on the whole. They won't go attacking people all willy-nilly-like, that's just something some anti-war nut made up to scare people.
Originally posted by Quarto
Oh, and Ghost, the only terrorists (if you can even call them that) Lebanon has supported are those that fought to liberate Lebanon from Israeli occupation. And they had every right to do so.
Right, whatever, I'm not going to bother checking your facts here, just remove the "Arab" from my sentence and get over it.Originally posted by Quarto
1. Turkey is NOT an Arab country. They're a completely different ethnic group.
Everything is relative, and compared to their neighbors, they're pretty damn reasonable and intelligent.2. Intelligent and reasonable are funny terms to use for a country where governments usually change through military coups.
No it isn't, unless by "moot," you mean "not moot at all." We attacked Germany once, HOLY SHIT, WE COULD DO IT AGAIN AT ANY MOMENT.3. Turkey has made several military incursions into northern Iraq during the past decade, so the argument that they won't do anything stupid is moot.
And I make threats about killing my roommate in his sleep, but I never do it.4. And of course, there's the Cyprus issue. Every once in a while, Turkey still makes threats about annexing northern Cyprus.
Terrorists are terrorists whether you think they're the good guys or not.Oh, and Ghost, the only terrorists (if you can even call them that)
I don't know if Isreal "occupies" any Lebanese land or not, because like I said, I'm not interested in checking your facts, but if they do, it's because they won that land in a defensive war against unprovoked attacks by their neighbors.Lebanon has supported are those that fought to liberate Lebanon from Israeli occupation. And they had every right to do so.
Wow, that's really logical. Yes, let's all compare events which happened repeatedly during the last decade with something that happened sixty years ago. Brilliant idea... or maybe not.Originally posted by Frosty No it isn't, unless by "moot," you mean "not moot at all." We attacked Germany once, HOLY SHIT, WE COULD DO IT AGAIN AT ANY MOMENT.
Wow, thanks, I didn't know that... or did I? Maybe that's why I used the past tense in my post?Originally posted by Ghost
Hamas,Hezbollah aren´t terrorist groups?
And you think that they fought to liberate Lebanon from Israel?
Quarto, watch the TV, read the papers Israel isn´t in Lebanon territory since like 2 years ago when they retreated to the frontier pre-1982.
That's really horrible! Except that it's bullshit. The only Jews that were in Lebanon during the past thirty years or so were Israeli soldiers. And maybe some non-Israeli Jews who work in the country... whom nobody tries or even wants to kill.They fight to kill every jew (and read it well, it´s jew not israeli) In Israel. even more the majority of them are Palestinians not Lebanese
I could say the same thing about your postI have some respect for you, but boy, that is the stupidest thing that you ever said (here)
Originally posted by Quarto
No, Hezbollah is not a terrorist group. Hamas is, but that's a completely unrelated matter, since Lebanon does not support Hamas.
Originally posted by Quarto
Furthermore, Hezbollah still has the right to fight Israel, which continues to hold Lebanese prisoners. The (extremely infrequent) attacks by Hezbollah on Israel should be seen in the context of Hezbollah trying to capture enough Israeli prisoners to force Israel into an exchange. They don't even attack civilians. Oh, I do think it would be much better just to negotiate - but they did try, and it was a futile effort.
Originally posted by Quarto
That's really horrible! Except that it's bullshit. The only Jews that were in Lebanon during the past thirty years or so were Israeli soldiers. And maybe some non-Israeli Jews who work in the country... whom nobody tries or even wants to kill.
As for the majority of them being Palestinians, not Lebanese... well, I don't see how that would make them terrorists.
Originally posted by Quarto
I could say the same thing about your post. Now, you can call my posts stupid if you want, but at least have the decency to do some research first.
Originally posted by Ghost
I don´t really give a shit about what you call terrorism, they are terrorist even if you don´t want it. or if they cause is just or not. terrorism is terrorism. And yes Lebanon (directly or indirectly) and Syria and Iran support them.
No, they have Palestinian prisoners, member of Hamas,Al-Fatah and Hezbollah.
Extremely infrequent? tell that the the people who lives in the cities and kibutzim in the north of Israel (Afula,Kiryat Shmona among others) who are *rocketed* by Katyusha missiles launched by Hizbollah and Hamas from the south of lebannon (those rockets have a range of 60 km approx.) almost every week
And Hamas and Hezbollah never negotiated with Israel, they don´t negotiate with a country that doesn´t have the right to exist...
First of all, what's the difference between an organized millitary and an organized malitia, both making an assult? Absolutely nothing. So why is the former called an Army, and the latter called a terrorist group? If your going to call Isreal's force an army, then you need to call Hizbollah an army. If you want to call Hizbollah a terrorist group, then you have to call Isreal's force a terrorist group. It's that simple, in my opinion.
I also did a bit of research... and what I could find was that Iraq used gas on some of it's own people in the 60's and 70's... around the same time the US was testing drugs on it's own without consent...
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
An organized military represents a nation... an organized militia does not... it's... a pretty *simple* difference.
Then you're just very, very bad at researching. A quick Googlsearch reveals plenty of sites about Iraq's use of chemical weapons in the late 1980s...
Originally posted by Needaham45
Just because rockets come from Lebanon doesn't mean it's Lebanon's fault. Syria is occupying there, keeping any Lebanese resistance to terrorists to a minimum because they won't allow it. My relitives in Lebanon hate the terrorists who launch rockets into Isreal, but there's nothing they can do about it... so why does the wrath fall on Lebanon? It's not there fault that they can't do anything. And when Isreal decides to attack them, that weakens Lebanese resistance to the terrorists even more.
...And I think that with Isreal constantly flying mock bombing runs over Lebanon to scare the crud out of the civilians there doesn't exactly send a good message to the Lebonese...
Originally posted by Needaham45
When all the Palistinains have to fight for there freedom with is there own lives, I really can't blame them for the suicide bombers. Yes I think it's crazy... but so is the situation they're in. Its rocks against tanks.
Originally posted by Ghost
Then it seems that Lebanon only exist as a national entity, nothing more, not a state..
So is ok to have a rebelion against Israel (who doesn´t hold any lebanese territory anymore) but not against Syria who controlls your entire country and way of life_
No, Israel only attack the Terrorist Camps inside Lebanon, not cities like Sidon,Tyre, in the terrorist camps live palestinians and terrorist who live/hide between the normal population (not terrorist), there is nothing that Israel can do about it.
Originally posted by Needaham45
First off, Lebanon is at a very weak point right now. They can't stage a rebellion... besides... part of the rebelion against Isreal was Syrian... it wasn't just Lebanon.
And what about Isreal bombing Beruitt... the capitol city a while back? How was that attacking a Terrorist (or do you mean Reffugee) Camp?
Besides... with Isreal attacking Lebanon, it would be a little hard to rebel against anyone.
Originally posted by Needaham45
Your not reading into it far enough (my mistake... I should have been clearer). The point I was trying to make was that people tend to consider organized millitia terrorists, when organized military would be an army. Yes, they are representing different things, but when you think about it, they really are the same thing - an organized group designed to protect and fight for the group that organized them. Who is organizing them may be different, but in the practical sense, they are the same thing.
Originally posted by Needaham45
I've honestly lost faith in the UN. Arab nations have gone to the UN before, and even if something is ratified there (which is unlikely considering the US's biases), there is no way the UN can enforce it without the US's help (and with those biases, that basically never happens).
Lebanon does not support Hamas, plain and simple.Originally posted by Ghost
I don´t really give a shit about what you call terrorism, they are terrorist even if you don´t want it. or if they cause is just or not. terrorism is terrorism. And yes Lebanon (directly or indirectly) and Syria and Iran support them.
Lebanese too. You can be quite certain of that. It's just that you don't hear about them - they've been in prison since the 80s, so I guess they're not exactly newsworthy.No, they have Palestinian prisoners, member of Hamas,Al-Fatah and Hezbollah.
Really? I read the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz every day, and I don't even remember the last time they reported about a Katyusha attack from Lebanon. How is it that Israel seems unaware of these weekly attacks of yours?Extremely infrequent? tell that the the people who lives in the cities and kibutzim in the north of Israel (Afula,Kiryat Shmona among others) who are *rocketed* by Katyusha missiles launched by Hizbollah and Hamas from the south of lebannon (those rockets have a range of 60 km approx.) almost every week.
Ever heard of the Grapes of Wrath agreement? Israel and Hezbollah agreed not to attack civilian targets. Both sides have violated the agreement a few times, but such violations are definitely the exception, not the rule, for both sides. At various points, Hezbollah has also successfully negotiated prisoner exchanges with Israel (but the success of such negotiations hinges on having Israeli prisoners to exchange). And there have been some indications that negotiations are under way in regards to the Israeli prisoners that Hezbollah currently holds.And Hamas and Hezbollah never negotiated with Israel, they don´t negotiate with a country that doesn´t have the right to exist...
Sorry, I actually didn't notice that "in Israel" bit. Doesn't make much of a difference, though. Like I said, I think killing civilians is immoral, but I also think that it is justified in some situations. For the Lebanese, this was the case - living under occupation seems like a perfectly fair reason to target enemy civilians. The AMIA attack is a more ambiguous case, of course, but so was a certain factory in Sudan.Eh?, i´m talking about jews in Israel (btw they made lot of terrorist attack around the world, like the one in the AMIA in Argentina, the AMIA is an asociation of jewish comunities in Argentina, they don´t have anything with Israel,it is an Argentine asociation who works for christians too, but as i saids they attack jewish targets.).
They being Palestinians is an example, they don´t fight for Lebanon, they fight to eliminate every jew in Israel so they could have all the country., but that quote of you really don´t make sense as an answer to anything that i said.
News sources are not enough, and frequently quite misleading. Read some history books. Watch some documentaries. Don't just look at what happens around you, find out why it at least try watching the TV news channels and read the newspaper. i don´t have this info from a secret link of the CIA or the MOSSAD, just i see what happens around me.