Star Wars Trailer

Mav23 said:
Well he did bump his head on his way to Slave-1. Oh and there was that whole not killing Obi-Wan thing.
There was also that whole failing to kill Amidala thing too. Although it wasn't him, he hired the wrong person for the job. Then there was his cloned son who succeeded in transporting Han Solo to Jabba. Unfortunately he didn't do a very good job stopping Luke and friends from escaping Jabba- I think he hit his head too before falling into the pit- so maybe the two of them bumping their heads was one of those annoying "fanservice" incidents posted about earlier. But a man shouldn't be faulted too much for failing against Jedi. Why didn't they clone an army of Jedi's? It seems to be hereditary through the genetics.
[*EDIT* some of these are repeats of the above post which was written at the same time I was writing mine]
Mjr. Whoopass said:
Why didn't they clone an army of Jedi's? It seems to be hereditary through the genetics.

I don't think the Jedi council qould be too thrilled about that idea. What if they cloned Anakin, and they all became Darth Vader? That would suck. ;)
Sarty said:
I don't think the Jedi council qould be too thrilled about that idea. What if they cloned Anakin, and they all became Darth Vader? That would suck. ;)
Yeah, that would totally suck. At the risk of showing my ignorance of the Star Wars Universe, wasn't the clone army commissioned by a fallen Jedi? The Jedi council knew nothing about this, and that's why they sent Obi Wan to investigate. I would guess that Palpatine was the one who ordered it? In which case, I might think that he would love to have an army of cloned Sith who were altered to be obediant to his every command- though this alteration might render Jedi powers useless.
Mjr. Whoopass said:
Yeah, that would totally suck. At the risk of showing my ignorance of the Star Wars Universe, wasn't the clone army commissioned by a fallen Jedi? The Jedi council knew nothing about this, and that's why they sent Obi Wan to investigate.

It never says who actually ordered the clone army made. The Kamino Ambassador says Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, but its not confirmed. It could have been that Sifo-Dyas found out about Dooku's plot, and thought it necessary to have an army for the Republic, but he was soon after killed, maybe because he knew of Dooku's plot. It could also mean that Sifo-Dyas was in league with Dooku and Palpatine and was sent by them to establish a deal with Kamino. Then there is the possibility that Palpatine, Dooku, or someone else who worked for them ordered it but used Sifo-Dyas's name so it could not be traced back to them. I personally think it was the 3rd option. The army was ordered roughly the same time that Sifo-Dyas was killed, so if he was already dead, Dooku could use his name knowing that nobody would trace it to Dooku himself. The only link Dooku has to the clones is the fact that HE hired Jango for the job.
The reason the Emperor goes from normal-looking to Pruneface is Mace Windu. Apparantly, Windu and a group of Jedi go to arrest Palpatine. Palpatine kicks their asses, but not before he and Samuel L. Jackson duel. Windu does *something* to Palpatine before dying, and screws up the Emperor's face.
Here's another thing I didn't understand about the story of Attack of the Clones. If Dooku and Palpatine were allied all along, then why was it necassary for Dooku (is that really how you spell it?) to tell Obi Wan about a Sith lord being in charge of the Republic. Because as I was watching it the first time I thought, okay this is interesting: a rebel Jedi who is trying to defeat the Sith using his own methods and he even knows the dark terrible secret that Palpatine is really a Sith lord. And so he tells Obi Wan about this incredible secret and why Palpatine must be defeated. And so he asks Obi Wan to join him.

But if in the end Dooku was Palpatine's friend, why would he risk giving Obi Wan such knowledge. Because sure enough, Obi does escape his elaborate execution and if he's perceptive enough to take that guy's word for it, then he could really stir some stuff up and possibly expose this Palpatine guy.

The story really would've been interesting if Dooku truly was against Palpatine cause now you've got the Jedi, the Sith, and now this rebel Jedi that you're not so sure about. But then they just kind of ruin it for you and say, "No. Sorry. It's actually not that interesting. There's still only one kind of good and one kind of evil. Black and white. That's Star Wars for you."
Patton said:
The reason the Emperor goes from normal-looking to Pruneface is Mace Windu. Apparantly, Windu and a group of Jedi go to arrest Palpatine. Palpatine kicks their asses, but not before he and Samuel L. Jackson duel. Windu does *something* to Palpatine before dying, and screws up the Emperor's face.

Plus the Dark Side ages him aswell
Yeah but you see he goes from just regular to pruney face all within the timeframe of the movie. Did it really age him that fast? And why doesn't he continue to age even MORE pruney by the time of Return of the Jedi? So obviously something weird happens to him. Just like how Anakin's eyes for some reason turn red and yellow??
Shipgate said:
why doesn't he continue to age even MORE pruney by the time of Return of the Jedi?

17 - 20 years will make anyone look older than at the start
But what I meant was in the Episode 3 trailer when it shows him like that, it's exactly how he looks in Return of the Jedi. Eh, I'm sorry to go off on this. I'm just gonna drop it.
You people don't get it, do you? most of the "failures" in ep2 were part of the plan... Tyranus and Sidious WANT the war to happen. They LET obi-wan find out about kamino, they LET obi-wan follow Jango, they LET obi-wan discover the plants in Geonosis...

They want the jedi to call for war and lead the clone army against the separatists. Padme's muder attempt was meant to fail. Even if jango doesn't know abou this stuff.

BTW, the soldier clones were heavily modified. Only bobba is a exact copy of Jango. And they didn't want a pure original, they wanted a very good killer/hunter. and Jango was probably the best. He defeated obi-wan... His one and only mistake, like lehah said, was facing a master of Mace's caliber.
Edfilho said:
You people don't get it, do you? most of the "failures" in ep2 were part of the plan...

That still doesn't explain why Episode II was such a bad movie. I must've missed that subplot.

Edfilho said:
Tyranus and Sidious WANT the war to happen. They LET obi-wan find out about kamino, they LET obi-wan follow Jango, they LET obi-wan discover the plants in Geonosis

I disagree adamently. The only reason anyone really found out anything was because Jango used a Kamino Sabre-Dart - an apparently rare or unusual weapon - to kill Zam Wizell. Thats what lead Kenobi to Kamino. Not to mention the fact that so much of the Trade Federation is caught with it's pants down during a last-minute defense of Geonosis.

Yes - it eventually worked out in Sidious's favor but it wasn't the way it was planned.

Edfilho said:
They want the jedi to call for war and lead the clone army against the separatists. Padme's muder attempt was meant to fail. Even if jango doesn't know abou this stuff.

There is nothing in the movie to support this claim. You're just making connections to things that aren't there.
Edfilho said:
They want the jedi to call for war and lead the clone army against the separatists. Padme's muder attempt was meant to fail. Even if jango doesn't know abou this stuff.

The Trade Federation was behind the Plot to Kill Padme not the Sith