Star Wars Trailer

Anyone have the magical third link? The first one is down and this one gave me audio only after an excruciating dial-up download.

If that gave you audio only, you probably just need to get the latest DivX codec.

(then again, I'm an idiot when it comes to computers. ;))
Never had any problems with that link so might be a codec problem.
McGruff said:
Anyone have the magical third link? The first one is down and this one gave me audio only after an excruciating dial-up download.
The same thing happened to me. I also don't know what Codec is.
It refers to the type of encoding/compression used to make the file. So if they used a divx 5.2.1 codec to encode you need the latest version of divx to be able to play it. You should be able to download a free version at

Sometimes media player will be able to detect the codec needed and will download it for you.

Short for compressor/decompressor, a codec is any technology for compressing and decompressing data
Why are you guys still linking to other sites when has it up for public use?
Originally posted by Darklightr

You might want to read the Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back novelization, then, as it is explained there (how the Obi-Wan versus Anakin fight ends).

Originally posted by Sarty

Thats common knowledge in the Star Wars community. I think what he meant was that the fight itself will be pretty cool.

Actually I didn’t know about it. But thanks for telling (really). I don’t bother to read some movie spoilers.
As for the novelization, well normally I don’t feel very motivated to read a book about a story I already know, although, as this case proves, some times it’s worth the reading.
Both the novelizations and the radio dramas cover a great deal more ground than the films do. (Double that for the radio dramas)
I've got the Episode II novelization, haven't read it yet

I've also got the first part of the A New Hope Radio Dramas on Tape
I know a guy who sort of "isolates" himself from any upcoming feature that he is really wanting to see. Episode 3 for example he'll make sure he never sees any trailer or any shots from the movie. You can try and show him something and he may run from you. And he'll explain by saying something like, "Just imagine how cool it would've been to see Darth Maul for the first time in the movie without having any of it spoiled."

And I'm like, "I might say, hmm, could that guy look any more like Satan? He's a good guy right?"
Shipgate said:
I know a guy who sort of "isolates" himself from any upcoming feature that he is really wanting to see. Episode 3 for example he'll make sure he never sees any trailer or any shots from the movie...he'll explain by saying something like, "Just imagine how cool it would've been to see Darth Maul for the first time in the movie without having any of it spoiled."
It's probably frustrating for him to have seen the first Star Wars movies, as you could technically call them spoilers of Episodes 1-3. I can only imagine what it would be like to have never seen or heard much about the Star Wars movies and watch all six starting with Episode I. The way I view the movies would totally change. For instance, most of us probably didn't have any sympathy for Darth Vader when we watched the original films growing up, but we might if we watched him start as Anakin. Another change in our experience would be our view of Yoda. We wouldn't have been surprised when he changes from the goofy creature to a noble Jedi, as we would have known all along that he was a noble Jedi in disguise.
There's one thing I've been very curious about. How did Palpatine, being the career politician he was, find the time to become this all powerful Sith? I figured maybe perhaps going to the dark side was actually a shortcut to learning the force quickly but at some terrible price. Besides his lightning shooting abilitity, I figured Palpatine's power rested more in his ability to manipulate people and get into their minds.

But when I saw in the trailer for Episode 3 when they come to arrest him or something, how he poises to attack and then leaps at these four Jedi Masters, it just didn't seem like he was that good at fighting or anything. Does it mention anywhere where this guy got all his training from and how he was able to become so powerful?
When the special edition was in theaters there were a few young kids in the rows ahead of us.. A the point in epire strikes back when vader tells luke: "No, I am your father" they yelled out: "NO WAYYYYY!!!!" They obviously had never seen it before. Now had you only seen ep 1-3 the you would be like "well duhhh. Vader is Anakin Skywalker"
That's true. The prequels were made generally to appeal to people who have already seen the previous "sequels" (if I can call them sequels?). With that in mind, it seems either way could seem preferable. I'd prefer to see them in Star Wars timeline order. This might be at the expense of some things not making sense though.
The problem is that the prequels and the Special Editions totally ruin too many of the ideas that were in the original movies. Seeing Jabba in Episode I and IV ruins his appearance in VI - we only heard about him for the two films prior to ROTJ, so the build-up that was once there isn't - not to mention his "new" appearances are there just for appearances's sake.

George Lucas is making Star Wars movies just like a Star Wars fan would - which is probably the worst idea possible.