Standoff Chapter Four Now Available


Man when I saw the Concordia in that Warsaw fleet gathering cutscene I thought I'd be able to take a closer look at it in one of the missions...but I guess not :(
ChrisReid said:
Not the 8-missile, 4-gun and relatively well armored/shielded Arrow or Banshee?
Nah. Both of those are fine ships, but in its time period, the Epee felt more powerful. I mean, obviously I'm not talking about a straight comparison (such a comparison could only be won by a Piranha, unless we disqualify it for being a patrol fighter rather than a true light fighter), but rather about how the ship performed compared to others in its time period.

(...of course, it could be my preference of WC2 over WC3/4 is blurring my judgement)

The Stiletto's pretty good too, but am I reading that right? You think it's ugly? Compared to the Ferret?
Well, yeah. Like Eder said, it's just a jetfighter in space. It's far from the ugliest ship in WC (that honour must go to one of the blocky WC3 ships), but it just doesn't compare to classic WC2 ship designs.
Really ? Make a score over 1500 on the scoreboard using the Broadsword and I'll make a special version of that Snakeir mission where you fly the Broadsword. Just for you

I did this, can you make that special version for me? :) Or do you want me to do it in mission 1 as well? I generally find that one easier, so I should be able to.
Hey, I said "just for you" to space_pirate, not you ;)

I am not sure my Standoff bosses would appreciate it if I'd start making custom packages for whomever asks :p Do do seem to currently rule the scoreboard though, "full-medal" one :p

Maybe one day !
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PopsiclePete said:
Hey, I said "just for you" to space_pirate, not you ;)

I am not sure my Standoff bosses would appreciate it if I'd start making custom packages for whomever asks :p Do do seem to currently rule the scoreboard though, "full-medal" one :p

Maybe one day !

I figured as much, but just thought I'd ask :P
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Pete constitutes 100% of our current programming team, so I'm afraid we kinda need him right now. :p
Really ? Make a score over 1500 on the scoreboard using the Broadsword and I'll make a special version of that Snakeir mission where you fly the Broadsword. Just for you

I did this, can you make that special version for me? Or do you want me to do it in mission 1 as well? I generally find that one easier, so I should be able to.

You are not the only one. I could make more Points at Mission 1, but I have to Work on my Epee skills so that I can get the Highscore at mission 2 back^^
Unregistered said:
The game crashes w/ an error message saying something like "exceeds 100 mission commands" or something right when you autonav to the Firekka after they call u back from killing the fralthi & stealths in "2668.358.1105 Capship Strike" of the Episode 3 Weslyn campaign.

Can´t replicate that one... Is anyone else getting that error also? Mr. Unregistered, if you are the only one getting that error, I´d advise you to reinstall the game and try again.
Starkey said:
Can´t replicate that one... Is anyone else getting that error also? Mr. Unregistered, if you are the only one getting that error, I´d advise you to reinstall the game and try again.
Well, he may have been the only one to have encountered this bug, but I found it, so it definitely wasn't a case of a bad install. As I suspected, the bug is only triggered when the number of ships left on the Firekka gets too low - it's got to do with the way we spawn ships. Due to the particular circumstances, we use less instructions to spawn a Rapier than we do to spawn a Stiletto (which get launched if there are too few Rapiers)... so too many Stilettos (read: too few Rapiers) cause a crash.
Anyone have any clue as to how to get on the losing path for Ep. 3? I really want to play the alternate missions, but I can't seem to lose! Usually when I eject I get captured, my wingmen take care of the situation often when I do nothing (on nightmare difficulty), and you can't land after killing one fighter or hitting one nav like in the old wing commanders (which would cause mission failure)... Barring someone knowing, any good advice to cause mission fails?
To lose Episode 2 and enter the losing path of Episode 3, you must fail to destroy the Ralatha in Mastif system on the first attempt.
Hey guys,

Just got through ep.3.

Excellent....truly excellent!

Just one quick question. Where do the Kilrathi fighters launch from on the Snakier-class CV? Are they the two vent/bay looking thingies on the left and right side of the ship?
Hey, I was impressed by the last mission on Ep. 2's losing path- I didn't know it was possible for capships to damage each other in the vision engine!