Standoff Chapter Four Now Available

space_pirate said:
The "talking heads" are very nice, but some of the voice acting could have been better.
Voice acting could have been better ? I am curious, whose character you think could have been better ? :p
That's some damn professional work from everybody involved in Standoff :)
Must say the little details make all the difference - Lynch Cola to the copy of Fleet Action on the table (poor pilots shoulda seen this comming!)
Especially the background music throughout all 3 chapters. The cutscenes bringing me back to the days of WC2 to the way the in-flight music goes from a WC2 feel to the deeper WC3 themes.
Never know, projects as well thought out as this may be the kick in the pants EA needs to get back to work on another Wing Commander.
After playing half the night, I'd say it was a pretty good revisit to WC2.

I was very impressed with the mine layer mission, after killing the first
wave of kats i circled back to the clydesdale's and saw them deploying
the mines.. I was like "how in hell did they code that!"

Also, the number of ships in your strikeforce was impressive, as was
the strike battle itself. i thought for a second the rapier was configured
too powerfull, but flying through a firing arc and getting my armor dented
quickly changed my mind. You actually need to resort to flying skill instead
of the pull a frontal-point-and-shoot prophecy battles. :cool:
lorddarthvik said:
Hey great work again guys! Allthough, this one seemed even shorter then ep2. This was a too-easy episode compared to the other, thats why it felt shorter. I just hit fly, and gone through the 4(?) missions without loseing more then some armor :)

You menaged to get the Sankeir EASILY? Some team members yet have to beat that mission on rookie IIRC...
I think that if he saved the Verdun and most of the Clydesdales, he might've missed the Snakeir and still got the winning splash screen.

Personally, I found killing the Snakeir to be easier than keeping all the damn minelayers alive.

Then again, people might not even know which is the winning splash screen yet. :p
Mace said:
I was very impressed with the mine layer mission, after killing the first
wave of kats i circled back to the clydesdale's and saw them deploying
the mines.. I was like "how in hell did they code that!"
Well, it wasn't too hard, I coded much more complex things in the past... but I am glad the effect was impressive :)
Yep, I killed the Snakeir. Or rahter the point is: it was Not Me, it was the Bombers! That wasn't a hard task if you can keep your bombers alive through the first wave of fighters (though they seem to have no priority in selecting targets, the bombers first in this case, they just fly around shooting). Take the Rapier, the other ones a piece of junk, use your afterburners, and shoot only when you gonna hit, and hit it in the same spot. You can get rid of any kind of fighter with 4 or 5 full salvos. But you can only do this with full energy, so forget about the Prophecy style shooting. (I just took a piece of tape and glued the trigger in firing position once whlie playing Prophecy. It worked)

And I just realized why it was easier: in the other episodes it felt like Every single ship (well about 75% to be correct :D ) was only attacking the Player. the other 25% was killing the mission critical craft, and the wingman were just flying around like obstacles to crah into sometimes. Now that nonsense is gone :D Good work on that! (although you said you can't change the AI, maybe the mission design was better this time so this happened?)

Yep, keeping all minelayers alive is a harder task, you need to be on the lookout for the ships that attackt them, and forget the free hunting till those are destroyed. Thats a nice mission, it looks great when the minelayers finish the patterns.

Wich ones the winning splash? :D (you won't tell us, I know, it would ruin the fun)
Voice acting could have been better ? I am curious, whose character you think could have been better ?

Spoons (he sounds a bit like Arnie Schwarzenegger;) ), Sparrow, Bradshaw and some in-flight voices (Longshot and his "heeeere I come to save the daaaay!":p )
I think Trigger's and the comm guy's voice acting is the best.

If You don`t like Wing 1 and 2 music then you are not a true Wing Commadners fan.

Personally, I found killing the Snakeir to be easier than keeping all the damn minelayers alive.

Saving the minelayers was a piece o'cake but the Snakeir mission was damn hard (even on rookie). I think i would be a lot easier if the player could fly a Broadsword and destroy the carrier himself.
space_pirate said:
Spoons (he sounds a bit like Arnie Schwarzenegger;) ), Sparrow, Bradshaw and some in-flight voices (Longshot and his "heeeere I come to save the daaaay!":p )
Pfew, you didn't mention my characters, so I guess I can brathe :)
space_pirate said:
Saving the minelayers was a piece o'cake but the Snakeir mission was damn hard (even on rookie). I think i would be a lot easier if the player could fly a Broadsword and destroy the carrier himself.
Really ? Make a score over 1500 on the scoreboard using the Broadsword and I'll make a special version of that Snakeir mission where you fly the Broadsword. Just for you :p

Seriously though, in that mission you can fly the Gladius and carry torpedoes, so you can take care of the Snakeir yourself.
The other option on that mission was the gladius right?
I agree, too slow and sluggish, guns are too weak. It's a lowsy
dogfighter. and the shields and armor can't take the punches
to perform a torpedo run.

damn it i want a sabre!
lorddarthvik said:
And I just realized why it was easier: in the other episodes it felt like Every single ship (well about 75% to be correct :D ) was only attacking the Player. the other 25% was killing the mission critical craft, and the wingman were just flying around like obstacles to crah into sometimes. Now that nonsense is gone :D Good work on that! (although you said you can't change the AI, maybe the mission design was better this time so this happened?)
We can't change the AI itself, but we can give some ships a priority target via mission scripting. Obviously, this doesn't work for every type of mission... but in strike missions, it's doable. So, yes, a few of the cats have the bombers set to be their priority targets.

(We have already used this before, though... as far back as Ep 1, where some of the pirates have the Lionheart and the marine LCs set as their priority targets, I believe).

Another case where we use mission scripting to make the AI seem smarter than in WCP is when we make the Ep 1 pirates and the Ep 2 retros flee after taking a certain amount of damage.

lorddarthvik said:
Wich ones the winning splash? :D (you won't tell us, I know, it would ruin the fun)
You can always try doing poorly at every mission to find out which is the losing splash... or you can just wait for Ep 4 and check which path in Ep 3 leads to which version of Ep 4. :p
Mace said:
The other option on that mission was the gladius right?
I agree, too slow and sluggish, guns are too weak. It's a lowsy
dogfighter. and the shields and armor can't take the punches
to perform a torpedo run.

damn it i want a sabre!

I've just finished this mission in a Gladius. The Gladius isn't that bad. It's not so sluggish and has the same set of guns as the Rapier. But of course a Sabre would be better:p
space_pirate said:
I've just finished this mission in a Gladius. The Gladius isn't that bad.

Can anyone give me some tips for using this... fighter. I always get the impression of being inprisoned rather than flying when take it out for a spin.:(
hehe. i go for the rapier all the way.
funny thing about it is that i thought the rapier sucked in wc2:rolleyes:

oh, and btw, awesome game, guys!
Dyret said:
Can anyone give me some tips for using this... fighter. I always get the impression of being inprisoned rather than flying when take it out for a spin.:(
Well, it doesn't make a huge difference, but I do find it helps a lot if you manage your guns rather than just firing everything. Use particles for small targets - save the lasers for big ships like the Jalkehi or Gothri.

The other thing is, usually you fly a Gladius for a reason. It is important to try to get your job done - very often, you can make a strike mission much easier by taking out a Kilrathi capship quickly, because it prevents it from launching more fighters. Unfortunately, this usually isn't easy, since the Kilrathi fighters are well aware that their job is to stop you, not just toy with your escorts.
Hi there.
I am german and my english is really bad.
But I just want to congratulate you to your great work.
I just love Wing Commander and as i found this... there are no words for this great Work and can't wait for the next Episodes!

Great Job!
hey I love the wing commander 1 and 2 soundtrack! If I could do that whole human beatbox thing I might try to make those music tracks while in the shower =X. Must say I am most pleased with standoff and am totaly hooked on the sim missions now =D
space_pirate said:
Spoons (he sounds a bit like Arnie Schwarzenegger;) ), Sparrow, Bradshaw and some in-flight voices (Longshot and his "heeeere I come to save the daaaay!":p )
I think Trigger's and the comm guy's voice acting is the best.

Yeah, I don't know if I like Spoons' and Bradshaw's voices too much. It could just be the accent and awkward swearing, but sometimes they seem a tiny bit hard to hear and understand too. There are plenty of well done voices throughout though.