Hey, guys! I want to show you quick video with flight-ready ships. You can see updated models from Klavs81's pack. E.g. I added some turrets for venture and ralari, lights and engines exhausts. Also I made turrets as separate objects so they are fully operational.
I made a small website for my game with description of main features. Many thanks to Klavs81 for his approval so I could use his models and images. It made game and site better than ever. http://spaceshipsuniverse.com/
Hey, guys. I'm still here and sorry for a long delay with the updates.
I did closed alpha test. As it was expected it showed lots of bugs but it also gave some ideas for the game. I decided to add some features before doing next step of alpha testing. Such as - interactive sector map and improved ship hangar. I know it will take more time to implement but I think it's ok. The game should be as much interesting as possible.
Hope on your patience
Testing the game is not very hard. The main idea behind it is to give feedback to developers as much as possible.