Quarto said:
Well, you really can't tell
anything about the cockpits looking from the outside
. As for the inside, we have no plans for any Kilrathi cockpits - we've only got one Eder, and he's already running at full capacity.
"running at full capacity"? Interesting formulation... You'd better let him have some life, too
About the cockpits: Well, I don't want to over-stress this, there might be others who like the ships as they are. But right now the "glass"-part of the Shok'lar reminds me of a F-16, which it didn't in Armada...
Tigerhawk said:
I'm thinking it's easy as pie to get quick kills with a Wraith...the ease came with it, but I just never took very well to the ship itself, as it seems (to me) a bit wobbly. Or maybe that's just after I've flown the Arrow so long that it seems that way.
Looks like it (the ease) just came to me, too - upped my score from 3,3k to 7120 (and it should be improvable...) . Just - the cockpit of the Wraith seems to block an annoyingly large part of view to me... (I'll call it an "balancing aspect" and let it be done with that)
And those old scores I had in my sig got mostly crunched, too:
Sabre: 1100 -> 1850 (can surely be improved...)
Rapier: 1600 -> 1850 (not so sure about improving this one)
Only the Stiletto still remains... dunno how I got those 1750, especially on my first try...
Quarto said:
I've always found it relatively hard to get quick kills with the Wraith. That is to say, it's still much easier than with most of the ships in the gauntlet... but compared with a true artist's ship like the Rapier, the Wraith's quick killing abilities are disappointing at best.
Rapier + quick kills?? Seems I'll have to practice VERY much with this one...
Tigerhawk said:
But for my quick kills in the Arrow, I'll go around and damage a fighter up until it reads either yellow or red in the core strength, then go and find the next one, wear it down to yellow or red, and so on. If you have a bunch of Sartha's, though, forget it...the chances for getting a dumbfire bolt right in the face by that or an accompanying Drakhri gets too high on Nightmare mode, and shooting it down with twin lasers is problematic at best.
A rather strategic approach... So well, I should try this - but in other fighters I wouldn't really have the nerve for it. In an Arrow, on the other hand...
And yes, Drakhris and Sarthas are quite annoying. Most problems I had so far with (in descending order) : H'hriss, Drakhri and Krant.
Tigerhawk said:
... (That's when I morph the dying claim of, "I have been cheated of my victory!" and turn it into, "I have been cheated of my quick kill!") ...
Right - those AI taunts can be quite unnerving, can't they?
But it's a big plus to me that, like the warriors they should be storywise, the Kilrathi AI can now (especially in higher waves) accept that you won.
(something I wouldn't expect the Nephilim ever to do, but then... there's lots of plot undeveloped there...)
Tigerhawk said:
The combo trick with killing a heavier fighter, I've found is, if you're low on laser energy and are running out of time for the quick kill limit, pull the Nephilum trick: Ram 'em. It causes more damage than you think, and only being able to put one burst a second in is more than compensated for the ramming.
Nice idea... but one'd better have more or less full shields for that
And what do you mean with "burst"? A ramming, thus making 1 ram/sec?
Sternenwind said:
But that no one can beat my Saber score... it is reallly really sad ^^
So then - I'll try my best to help you. Especially as the Sabre was my favourite ship in WC2+WCAc ...