Oh, I don't know, Eder, I still think that second design is great

Weasel: I certainly wouldn't mind seeing some fighters from Armada appear... flying the Armada Arrow at 800kps sounds like fun

. I do think, though, that Armada fighters are probably not too likely to have been sold to the Border Worlds. I'm trying to think up a way to involve some Confed ships in the story (like the Eisen in UE1), but whether they'd carry Armada fighters, WC3/4 fighters, or WCP/SO fighters would depend on what Eder will have the time to model.
Starkey: well, that's the general idea

. For example, the Epee and the Ferret are manufactured in the Border Worlds by Vieito Industries, who is also responsible for the brand new Rapier IV and, umm, a few other things. As far as the Raptors go, explaining their presence would not be a problem at all.
OBbETAX: no, it's not important for a fighter to be from an official source - making new fighters up is something I've wanted to do ever since Eder made that Rapier IV model. However, if a fighter is mentioned in official sources, we have to ensure that any new information we make up does not contradict with existing info. Anyway, I didn't say I'm opposed to the Razor - what I am saying is that I will only consider putting in the Razor if Eder will have time to make a new model.