Ships for UE2?

Originally posted by Quarto
The beauty of the situation is that Confed wouldn't have been in a position to get them back. What would they do, threaten the Border Worlds? That wouldn't go down too well with public opinion. And considering that it's just a bunch of fighters (and the Princeton, but that's another issue), Confed would probably have made the Bearcats their "gift" to the Border Worlds, just to improve relations.

Well,thats e very very expensinve Gift my friend....
Look at nowdays.The countries relationships.They dont just give to the others Fighters .....

They can take Bearcats from BW.Its Confed design...They could sell them at least....
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
Well,thats e very very expensinve Gift my friend....
Look at nowdays.The countries relationships.They dont just give to the others Fighters .....

I'm not saying I support either view on this one... but I will point out that most countries don't have crazy military factions wiping out planets with bio-weapons and attacking random ships, either...
That,Confed didnt knew!It as a surprise for them too....Border Worlds shouldnt blame Confed.....

So,Confed feels sorry and just gives their new Heavy Fighter to the BWorlders ?
These are money!Every country thinks about money!
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
They can take Bearcats from BW.
Ah, but how? All they can do is ask nicely. If the BW say no, then that's the end of it. Being responsible for the Telamon genocide and for all the recent piracy, Confed really couldn't afford to try to recover the Bearcats by force. And if they can't do it by force, then the ultimate decision lies in the Border Worlders' hands.
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
That,Confed didnt knew!It as a surprise for them too....Border Worlds shouldnt blame Confed.....

Sure they should... they were Confed forces... part of the Confed military... Led by one of Confed's great military leaders...

If some random black ops group from China attacked your country, killed a very very large number of people and then it turned out that China "didn't know about them", I think you'd probably blame China.

"We didn't know about that very large base, our brand new carrier that we let them use, the bio-weapons, the whole space-Nazi thing, and the incredibly expensive fighters... All of which we paid for" amounts to a horrible attempt at an excuse.
hmm......looks like you are right.......TC .

What do you think about the current Confed-BW relationship ??
Cry of soul......

Guys please listen to the Oldest Russian WC:Fan !
I'd very like to see Razors in UE2, my opinion : it is quite possible that there is a large number of these fighters in BWU ! Produced by Martina Nostra shipyards, these babes are unique in its own class ! Much more better(550kps+6 missiles) than Ferret(500kps), and even Arrow(520kps)! Well its the best fighter produced by the private shipyards !
I like the Razors. Even with very low shields and armor, those pesky Razors are a match for the Ferrets and Epees.

Any chance for a Privateer ship in UE2? Those pirates could come in Centurions, instead of mining drones.
Eder has modelled more than a few versions of the Talon, alright, but I'm probably going to use new models for UE2 anyway, for almost all ships... You know, polish up the existing models a little, and redo the textures and such. I've already made a new and much improved model of the Rapier IV, for instance.
And if UE2 ends up using another engine, I'll definitely redo all the models to make use of all the detail the engine allows for... I'm pretty sure Starshatter and VS can handle much more geometry and texture detail than the Vision engine.

The Razor is cool, and the Talon is too, but guys, just how many ships do you think we're going to stuff into UE2? :p
Again.. I feel we should try to put as many ships in as we can can justify, without overdoing it. Obviously, this can't be a priority (I don't want to create any additional work for anyone), but anything we can get in there without much work I think we should.
Doing a game is tough and you can't please everyone, but here are my thoughts:

I'm assuming your doing the whole light/medium/medium-heavy/heavy/bomber approach to the ships in UE2 so here are my picks.
light- I really enjoyed the upgraded Epee, but I'd have to go with the Razor here
medium- Never did like the Banshee and I think your correct in that Hellcat V's wouldn't be on the auction block yet (even though I'm a huge hellcat fan). Gotta go with the old standby. . . the Scimitar :).
medium-heavy- Vindicator or the Raptor. Either way you're getting a tough ship. Even though I believe the Raptor is the pinnicle of WC design, I'd have to go with the Vindicator since the BW actually produce them.
heavy- This I have no real suggestion on, your new Rapier or the Sabre would be nice, but it's your game I've got to leave something up to you :)
Bomber - Definitely the Avenger all the way

As in the way of capships, an old Confederation class dreadnaught would be knidof cool to see, PTC and all :) !

I just realized something. It's a little off topic. We said before that the BW wouldn't have Thunderbolts - too new, Confed still using them, etc. So, if that's teh case, how did pirates get there hands on them? (I know in WC4 there were pirates with Thunderbolts... also, they're listed as a pirate ship in the CIC ships database). I'm not saying they should be in UE2 or that they shouldn't be, I'm just saying that I'm not sure how we could say the BW don't have Thunderbolts - especially considering pirates have them.
Viper61, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. The Vindicator/Raptor would make a good medium-heavy fighter/light bomber for UE2 (assuming that it gets a small speed upgrade as the Scimitar has). I would envision the Raptor being 440/1200 kps, 60/60/60 dps, 280 shields/180 armor, 2 Ion/2 Mass Driver, 2 DF/4 HS/4 FF/2 Lt Torp. Basically like a slightly lighter, faster equivalent to the UE1 Grathra. The Vindicator I would envision as something like 450/1100 kps, 65/65/65 dps, 250 shields/160 armor, 2 Laser/2 Light Tachyon/1 Heavy Stormfire (400 rounds), 4 DF/4 HS/2 IR/4 Lt. Torp--basically like the WC4 version but with a bit more speed and missiles.

As for the Thunderbolt, I think that it has too much gun power (4 Ion/2 Tachyon) compared to its armor (only 120 compared to the Scimitar having twice as much). If the Thunderbolt appears in UE2 as a player-flyable ship, then I think it should have its Tachyon guns downgraded to Light Tachyon.
The Thunderbolt issue

It could be explained that Tolwyn supported the pirates with some confed ships. It is clear that they got support by someone else in WC4. How did they get their hands on a confed corvette?
How did they got the arrows? It was the same version that confed was using at that time. I doubt that confed would sell them would have sold them at this time.
But on the other hand, this should have made Blair suspicious.
Yeah, the pirates in WC4 were a very well-supplied lot indeed... Excals, Thunderbolts, Arrows (with cloaks), a range of Border Worlds ships... they certainly didn't just purchase them at the nearest ship dealer ;). In fact, this begs the question - how do we know the Razor is a civilian design?

Ijuin, it seems as though Confed doesn't bother upgrading their fighters the way BW does (which makes sense - replacing fighters with new types is a much simpler way to proceed). That's why the Thunderbolt's armour is still the same as in WC4, but its guns have changed.
The Razor is described as being "cobbled together", which to me implies a civilian design. Anyway, it IS a cool superlight fighter, and in the right hands could outfight the UE Ferret or Epee.

As for the Thunderbolt's armor, I understand why it is like that; I am just pointing out that its heavy guns/thin armor/low speed and agility combination would be unbalancing if they were used as a player ship in UE2. In WC 3/4, the standard was for a ship's armor to be about half as strong as its shields, while in WCP, the standard is for armor/shield thickness to be about equal. That means that in the WCP environment, the Thunderbolt wants to be a heavy fighter, but lacks the armor to survive long enough to turn to face an enemy.
Ijuin, that's the whole point of the Thunderbolt, I think - it's a heavy fighter, but an aged one. It's perfectly well balanced, but it's just not frontline material any more. Of course, neither's the Scimitar, but the Border Worlders are required by law to think otherwise ;).

What source of info describes the Razor as being cobbled together? If it's the WC4 strategy guide, I'd be quite interested in hearing what else it has to say ;).
max.speed - 550 kps
max.speed/w booster - 1200 kps
lenght - 12m
mass - 13metric tons
maneuvrability - 90/80/90 grades/sek
shields/armor - 100/40
Energy - 500nj
Regen rate - 20nj/sek
Guns - 2/2 laser/ion guns
Missiles - 4x2 HS or IMrec
Missile Decoys - 16
Hyperdrive - none
"Razor" class light fighter produced by small company "Martina Nostra"(located within BW territory). Specialiased on manufacturing of Light fighters and small atmospheric crafts
Confed patrol fighter P-64C "Ferret" wich recommended itself realy good during the 2660x, was taken as basis for "Razor".
Design was significaly improved, Martina Nostra presented simply on of the best fighters in its class.
In "class-characteristics" correlation it is simply the best fighter in known universe.
Without no doubt this is a fighter for skillfull pilots.
Its armor and shields are very thin, but its maneurability, speed, and acceleration compensate this with ease.
This figter carries 8(eight) missiles on 4 hardpoints. Even Arrow can't match this arsenal. Low maintenance and manufacture cost made it very popular among the pirates in 2670x wich where operating within Confed and BW territory. (russian)

Quarto, regarding Thunderbolts you are wrong ! It is still a frontline fighter in Confed Navy! Although the 7th or even 8th revision of this craft !