
Still, I guess once in a while the crew can clear the flight deck completely and perform some instant vacuum cleaning by turning the hangar's force fields off. :p
Hmm, can you do decent looking planets, explosions, exploding planets, and some basic animation for human figures (walking, looking, pointing, sitting, standing up)?

You can email me any samples you have which show off any of the above things at (just please try to keep the file small). Ships are no problem since I'd obviously provide you with those... explosions and human animations are the major issues here.

Well, I'll be completely honest and upfront with you, I cannot do human animations. It's never been something I've tried to do and to learn now would be...not a good idea. However, explosions I have been working on and I think I've progressed somewhat. Planets I can also do. I'm working on making a small enough movie that will show you essentially what I can do. I'll email it to you shortly. What is the maximum file size you can handle?
I'm not sure, but keeping it really small is advisable... sometimes I get a few large attachments a day, so the safest bet to not have the email bounce back to you would be around 5 to 8 mb maximum.

I really just need to see a ship exploding, a pretty planet, and a pretty planet exploding/being bombarded/whatever, in low resolution (since the resolution of the final ingame movies won't be all that great either), about 320x240 is good.