Say Goodbye to Overmortal

overmortal said:
On another unrelated note, congratulations to me for getting into an automobile accident today! And it was my fault! I'm physically fine (so far, so good), but, wow . . . mentally/emotionally, today combined with he rest of the crap that's been happening lately (which is part of why I chose to enlist), has me feeling like I'm about as successful as a hobo. I love my life.

At least you are not as legally screwed as the black woman who rammed into my bumper, and had no car insurance. :D
Viper61 said:
Thats pretty low, as most of us are aware of your opinions on hobos

Remember guys, no one's a soldier, airman, Marine, Ranger, Green Beret, or SEAL until he's been through all the hurdles, didn't get weeded out at MEPS, shipped to boot, been through the training, didn't get weeded out during the training, and got his pin.
You're a better man than I for enlisting... the only way you're gonna get me to join up though is if somehow a race of man-hating space-cats comes down and attacks us. But hey, fight the good fight bro, and watch out for Charlie.