Salutes and facial hair...

You people do realize that TCN/TCSF probably dont have the exact same regulations about facial hair that modern militaries do, right?
Originally posted by Napoleon
You people do realize that TCN/TCSF probably dont have the exact same regulations about facial hair that modern militaries do, right?

Blair had a beard sometimes. Don't Tolwyn use a moustcahe on WC2?

And let's not talk about Hobbes - that's facial hair.
Yes, Hobbes needs a good shaving... weekly. Even alien races need to obey 20th century regulations!

-insert lame, perverted joke about a shaved Hobbes here-

Originally posted by BattleDog
The hand takes the long way up, staying parralel to the side of the body, the hand is so that the fore finger is touching the eyebrow, the palm is is flat with the thumb in line with the forefinger. The palm of the hand is flat to the head, so that the Officer can see that the hand is clean. Thats the Army.

The British air force (RAF) is the same as the Army
I read how in the Navy, particularly the Navy SEALS, that certain commanders wouldn't allow facial hair at all. This was due to their being too great a risk that it would foul up things such as the masks worn by fighter pilots and the scuba gear used by people such as SEALS, and put lives at risk. It may be the same deal here.
Originally posted by Steelflight
Nice touch as far as the game goes, but the way that Blair salutes * winces *. The salutes just got worse in WC4. Catscratch's was almost dead on, but everyone elses...ugh.
There's been some good points on this, and I'd like to add mine:

Blair and Eisen seemed to get along pretty well, so it seems reasonable that Blair would give a looser, less formal salute. IIRC, he gives more formal salutes in WC3 losing missions and to other officers like Tolwyn (though I suppose they were pretty bad compared to real life salutes (I'm only guessing, I don't know what a 'proper' salute is meant to be)). Catscratch was fresh from the Academy, right? So it makes sense for his salutes to be sharper than everyone else's.

Originally posted by Quarto
Well, Kilrathi being required to shave would certainly explain the movie...
Heh, heh, good point. :)
Wedge, Your salutes never get sloppy, the thing about drill is that it is uniform. No special cases. Bad drill makes bad soldiers. Thats not to say that drill is the be all and end all. However it is the foundation of Military dicipline.

Rostek, okay, I've learned something.

Tanaka, The mask thing is what says British Army and Air Force can't have beards. The navy use vaciline.
It's not so much the hair getting caught in the mask, but the hair interfering with the seals the masks make with the face.

You see, besides the speed jeans, when pulling high G stunts, the mask actually forces air into the lungs. Can't have it leaking around the face rather than into it. The latest "Combat Edge" systems consist of special gsuits, vest, helmet and mask - during the maneuvers, the helmet tightens up the seal between the mask and face (thanks to a little bladder near the back of the helmet that inflates).

(Meaning the Blue Angels have it even tougher - no gsuits and masks, but all the high-G pulling stunts).

It's all done so no one suffers from GLOC.

Of course, if you were a seal, you wouldn't want your mask to start leaking water in, too (or have it bubble in - that's gotta be distracting).
Originally posted by BattleDog
Your salutes never get sloppy, the thing about drill is that it is uniform.
Well, I still think they're not robots, and who cares? It's a game. :)