RSI Pledge Thread

I think that's when the Secret Ops releases were STARTING. It's... a certain birthday. :)

(Here's the true story: KrisV came in to do the database sync, and we needed a way to identify which records had come from the backup site. So we set all the dates to the CIC birthday which would have otherwise been impossible...)
There's a lot of talk about factions and squadrons going on over at RSI.
Assuming this is possible, I'm assuming even further that we'll form our own one, no?
Sme of your already buy the Constellation ;) After I can increase my pledge the Hornet is there ;) I want dogfights - no trader ;)
Or even PvP between us as individuals/teams but we're firing 'training bullets', like the faceoff with Maniac at the beginning of WCIV
A community carrier would be pretty cool with maybe monthly or weekly combat events against Kilr...Vanduuls.

How awesome would that be! Would have to think carefully about the name of the Carrier... A Wingnut past perhaps? Having it existing in the persistent universe, taking it on operations, getting emails to come defend it... the mind boggles.

"Sorry boss, I can't come to work today. My Carrier is in trouble."
How awesome would that be! Would have to think carefully about the name of the Carrier... A Wingnut past perhaps? Having it existing in the persistent universe, taking it on operations, getting emails to come defend it... the mind boggles.
Doesn't Chris Roberts explain in that Reddit thing that players will only be able to own something like a destroyer, as anything bigger than that would unbalance the game? That would put a CIC carrier out of the question, methinks...
Doesn't Chris Roberts explain in that Reddit thing that players will only be able to own something like a destroyer, as anything bigger than that would unbalance the game? That would put a CIC carrier out of the question, methinks...

We'll have to pressure our inside man about it. ;)
It may depend on how a "destroyer" is defined in the context of the universe. I can name at least two examples from other universes off the top of my head where a destroyer had a significant flight compliment (the Omega class from the B5 universe, and of course the Victory/Imperial line from Star Wars). We even see examples of that in the WC universe, if I'm not mistaken.

Granted, a classic destroyer probably won't be able to launch/retrieve fighters.
Well it wouldn't be a player owned carrier, but one owned by a major community. Also, my initial thoughts were of a private server type thing consisting of the carrier, a renamable system, and of course enemies.
Now, am I right in thinking that the amounts collected over on RSI and the amount at Kickstarter aren't being reporting on each other's sites? Because if that's the case, it looks like there's a little over $117,000 to go...getting awfully damn close, IMHO.

Unless of course the main goals are being treated seperately...2.5 million between the two instead of 2.0 million. I'm hoping that's not the case.
97k to go... that's 20 large in the last two and a half hours. If this rate holds up, the project will cross the two million mark either late tonight or early tomorrow morning.
The Kickstarter pledges will be part of the total 2.0 million RSI goal (and soon, $3, 4, 5, 6 million stretch goals), although the amounts are not currently being summed together on the websites.
Maybe LOAF can swing us a carrier if we don't use it for any offensive maneuvers. Maybe we could be sent on pirate cleansing missions to infested systems, by the devs.